Capt Sim C-130 ?

Hi BB686, thanks for the tip.

Capt Sim actually gives the registry keys to look for and remove which I have already tried. Currently the only CS model that I have on my system is the B727 which works just fine. Also, my Win 7 was installed on a brand new hard drive away from my old XP OS so there were no registry entries to overwrite or corrupt on the "reinstall".

Like has already been mentioned a couple times above it is puzzling why CS does not provide a patch for this product, especially if they continue to offer it for sale WITHOUT a "Buyer Beware" notice.

As of now I have tested every payware aircraft I have installed in my FS9 and GW3 and every single one works EXCEPT the CSC130. And, of those, only the C9 Phantom required a reinstall with Virtualli responding to my email request within 6 hours of sending. Terrific customer service for an old product still being sold, and a great example for others to emulate!

Rant over. Frustration subsiding.

I am running W7 64bit.

Do you have an anti virus suite running on your pc? Make sure it's turned off before installing any fs add-om.
FS9 is not history I really hate that most Developers have just abandoned it all together its still has lots of life left in it. Plus theres alot of people who have FSX that still use FS9.
Thanks, jeroen79. I have tried that with no luck. I've just started my 3rd round of trying everything from the top! Not giving up yet but getting close.


Is your UAC on? If so, disable it! The captain sim installations do things to your registry that will not be allowed!

EDIT: should've read the thread to the finish... Sorry about that!
Cs c-130


Have you added any new textures? I finally quit using ACE to add textures. It changes the aircraft config file and screws up the model assignments. I had the same problem when I added the different add-ons. I got it all working in one configuration, tanks visible and old cockpit, the quit using ACE for configuration changes. I only add textures manually now.

A note, the stretch models aren't supported by ACE so you can't have drop tanks on them.

It's their form of copy protection and it sucks, big time.

TDS uses a similar method on their 737-700 and 800 models to change the configuration of the visible model (antennas and lights). The title entry has to be configured exactly or the model won't work.

I've added a copy of my aircraft config.



  • aircraft - Copy.txt
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