Captain Sim Cr*p

The only one that ever gave me real grief was the YaK3 ......but I did buy the B727, B707 and C-130 on disc via a local retailer.
I did get the 104 as well some time ago as an online purchase and aside from a small glitch which required their new "activation redirection" patch it was smooth enough.
I 'hangered' the 104 after it was replaced by the Cloud 9 rendition.
My CSF-104 works fine. I didn't get it through CS though. I bought it from the fspilotshop.
Same problem with the Yak-3 here; two patches downloaded, and than the install works fine, but at end I get a message that the product was not activated (Which it did a few minutes earlier) and functionality will be disabled. No solution in their KB either...

Haven't tried the 104 yet, as I keep unvoluntarily banging my head to the nearest wall when I even think of the problems I have with the Yak... :isadizzy:
May be you should try offline activation, it is easy to do. search for instructions at CS knowledge base.
See previous posts in this thread...
I have now opened a dispute through PayPal for this, and will follow it through to the full extent I can.
I'm actually quite pissed off.

I bought the 707 and F-104 together, one order number. The 707 installed OK using offline activation, F-104 zilch. Likewise Yak 3, nada.

This amounts to theft.

The time I have spent chasing their knowledge base circular results, far outweighs the cost of the software.
Does this prompt me to go looking for Captain Sim crack codes in the Dark Recesses of the internet?
No, but there are some who will get tipped into piracy by this kind of retail behaviour.
My CSF-104 works fine. I didn't get it through CS though. I bought it from the fspilotshop.

Likewise, I purchased the entire C-130 with expansion package, the Yak-3 and the F-104 through fspilotshop. The only model I purchased from Capt. Sim was the MiG-21. The hoops I had to jump through to get the plane to activate were a considerable pain.

I bought there FS9 C-130 through simmarket & had to wait 48hrs to get my activation key from them (I bought it on a friday night). See other thread about what burns my biscuits.
I liked #4: "Find csy003_1100.exe file on your PC."
If you haven't activated the aircraft, how does the .exe file get on your PC? :confused: Guess things get a little strange going from Russian to English.

hi tarpsbird heres a repaint of alphasin's phantom pack F-4
but air file gon no model :(
Thanks for the pic, Skyhag. Yeah... I should've picked up at least the older F-4 versions when they were still available from AlphaSim. :banghead: IIRC they weren't that expensive.
Ehh I've seen a few topics wander off-topic, but this????
You have to assume there's a small glitch in the software that transmogrified the last two posts...
I had the same problems, at first no chance to get the Yak-3 installed.

The solution is the "offline installation"
Log in and go to customer support, Search KB or Submit New Ticket
select product - problem: download/installation
If you know KB# enter it:
Enter key 147 and follow description.

This way the installation worked for me perfectly.

Yep.... I purchased the fs9 Legendary C130 and the J expansion pack, not for me but because a friend who "flies" on my PC rrequested it - and I like Hercs. Ok, the base model installed fine and may I say it's rather good :) ...but... The J says with or without VC...turns out it shares the C130e VC...have I got this right? A J model with a 30 yr old cockpit? But I personally wouldnt know because I have no VC at all in the J... wtf... and nowhere to ask about it...hum, oh well, i guess the E is nice enough...and I wasted NZ$13 on the J
Honest opinion? Nice enough models as long as you read the fine print but zero, zip nada customer support... Next $ I'll be spending is with Lionheart when "the jet" comes out. Why? Great models and great support. Dont need this....LPXO
Been through the Captain Sim nightmare myself. I bought several ac at the same time--C_-130 for fs9 and fsx, 707, 727, 757 for 9 and 10. Had to go to the Tennessee Attorney General's Office to get the matter straightened out. And the audacity of the CS legal staff was to say that sine they were not based in the US they were not bound by US laws. When the AGs office stated they were violating not only US law but RUSSIAN law, I finally got my products. The "Tennessean" newspaper even included Captain Sim in their DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH LIST in an article on internet trade...good luck...:icon29:
Just for the lark...I went through the Paypal dispute process, escalating it ultimately to a claim.
Their response, predictably:
"We have completed our investigation of this case. No further action is required by you at this time. We have denied this claim. As stated in our User Agreement, PayPal’s Buyer Complaint Policy only applies to the shipment of goods, not to disputes about the attributes or quality of the goods received. We have noted your claim in the seller's record. The seller's account privileges will be limited if excessive complaints are received."
I'm tempted to buy a dozen copies of the Captain Sim Yak and others that don't activate, just so I can make up the complaint numbers. :d:d:d
It's disgusting behaviour on the part of this vendor.
Bad luck, keep plugging away at them something may happen.

I have the C130 on CD but I cannot get the update to install!

The J says with or without VC...turns out it shares the C130e VC...have I got this right? A J model with a 30 yr old cockpit?

I remember someone asking CS if they were going to do a glass cockpit for the C130J in FS2004, the answer was a big NO it would take too long, not sure if the cockpit was updated for FSX though.
Bad luck, keep plugging away at them something may happen.

I have the C130 on CD but I cannot get the update to install!

I remember someone asking CS if they were going to do a glass cockpit for the C130J in FS2004, the answer was a big NO it would take too long, not sure if the cockpit was updated for FSX though.

It wasn't, you still have a choice of either classic steam gauges or the newer digital displays but no actual J cockpit.
I was able to get the F-104 running right away when I bought it a couple years ago. When it went on sale the next day and I asked for a price adjustment (suggested applying it to another purchase) they said there was "nothing they could do". I can do something -- I tell everybody about it any chance I get.

In the meantime, has anyone purchased their new weather radar? Looks interesting.
I had the same problems with the following air craft, Yak, 727,Mig, and finally the c-130. I got tired of dealing with these guys and so I just took the addons and loaded them onto my off line computer and took the following steps.
I simply ripped the things apart and took out all the files that pertain to flight sim with out the registration hacks they put into their addons which by the way screw up your OS regy system...then I hexed the mdl and took out various redundent bull poop and recomplied the whole thing and stuck them into a winzip and everything is perfect now.

I dont know why they are so wierd over their addons, but its kinda stupid and redundent and just pisses every one off.
I never buy anything from them any more.
I had the same problems with the following air craft, Yak, 727,Mig, and finally the c-130. I got tired of dealing with these guys and so I just took the addons and loaded them onto my off line computer and took the following steps.
I simply ripped the things apart and took out all the files that pertain to flight sim with out the registration hacks they put into their addons which by the way screw up your OS regy system...then I hexed the mdl and took out various redundent bull poop and recomplied the whole thing and stuck them into a winzip and everything is perfect now.

I dont know why they are so wierd over their addons, but its kinda stupid and redundent and just pisses every one off.
I never buy anything from them any more.

Seven years later and nothing's improved. Just got ripped off on the C-130. Lots of error code 11's, but no joy. They don't need developers. They're just taking peoples money for doing nothing. Only partial refunds available now too.:dizzy:
Same story here, for the Yak-3, three days ago.
Installer didn't work. Offline activation neither.
Customer support was clueless.
I asked a refund, let's see what happens.