
Many of the folks who staffed AlphaSim are now affiliated with Virtavia, so I see no reason why they wouldn't eventually release the PBY and other older FS9 designs as freeware if sales drop off to a point where they may as well give 'em away. That probably won't happen for a while. For now I'd be happy to see Virtavia just make the PBY available as payware again. I haven't seen it listed yet at Flight Sim Pilot Shop or Sim Market.

a simple yes or no would have been nice, but that works too... thank you
I didn't mean to start a big fight here, I have a lot Alphasim aircraft myself and there all my favorite especially their EA-6B Prowler. I just thought that they might release their Catalina as freeware considering that they've released alot of their older planes as freeware. Once again, I didn't mean to start up a big fight.


Needs shockwave (A2A simulations) light upgrade. Would really complement the picture.
I use Shockwave 3D Lights for the landing lights :jump:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, 2.86, -50.00, 8.60, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, 2.86, 50.00, 8.60, fx_navgre
light.2 = 3, -39.50, 0.00, 15.36, fx_navwhi
light.3 = 4, 12.00, 0.00, 3.31, fx_vclight
light.4 = 5, 4, -16, 7.5, fx_Shockwave_landing_light // Shockwave light
light.5 = 5, 4, 16, 7.5, fx_Shockwave_landing_light // Shockwave light
I didn't mean to start a big fight here, I have a lot Alphasim aircraft myself and there all my favorite especially their EA-6B Prowler. I just thought that they might release their Catalina as freeware considering that they've released alot of their older planes as freeware. Once again, I didn't mean to start up a big fight.


Quicksand Jr,

You've done nothing wrong. My comments weren't directed at you.


I don't think it is that simple. Yes or No with out a logical reason why yes or no is kind of empty and makes the question not worth posting.

Truth is I don't think they will. The reason why I don't think so is it is not in the current catalog with Virtavia. Since Alpha sim was made up of a group of Developers the Developer who made the Catalina might have left Alphasim and taken the rights to the model with them (or at least their part).

Which would be why it is not in the current Virtavia line up.

Another reason is I look for them to make every dime they can from the models they do have the rights to and I don't begrudge them for that.
Does anybody think/know if Vitaria (Alphasim) will ever release their PBY Catalina as freeware for FS9?

Nobody here thinks, and most definitely don't know ;)
EDIT: This is a little joke OK? just in case anyone misses that...
Nice screens claudius24! I am tempted to look at that model again when it comes around.

Meantime, flipping through, Mike Stone's PBY has an astonishing number of repaints, must be 70 or so!
Clearly a popular model, then...

Alphasim Catalina on patrol around Skagway ... :jump:



Pretty....pretty....great paint with colors that compliment the Catalina !
Nobody here thinks, and most definitely don't know ;)
EDIT: This is a little joke OK? just in case anyone misses that...
Nice screens claudius24! I am tempted to look at that model again when it comes around.

Meantime, flipping through, Mike Stone's PBY has an astonishing number of repaints, must be 70 or so!
Clearly a popular model, then...

Definitely still popular in my hangar!
First off, I’d like to apologize to those who interpreted my response to Quicksand Jr’s original question as a criticism of ALPHASIM and/or Virtavia. It was not intended as critical of either.

The question got me to thinking, though, about ALPHASIM & Virtavia and I simply asked another question. I was not trying to start anything or to raise anyone‘s hackles. I am just interested in whether or not Virtavia will be there for ALPHASIM customers as it relates to customer service and support. They’ve yet, as far as I know, to say anything in this regard.

Having, in the past, invested a fair amount of my flightsim related discretionary income in their - ALPHASIM’s - products, this is really only proactive consumerism on my part. I am only looking out for my best interests and, at the very least, in increasing my own understanding of things as they currently stand.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s a non-issue now and, pending a decision by Virtavia to make it’s policies known publicly, ‘nuff said. LA

Alphasim VS Mike Stone ....

Panel Ken Mitchell

Panel Alpha

Mike Stone


Mike Stone


Alpha IMHO is a winner ....
MS is free ... AS is payware ... so far :)
I know Mike Stone's PBY is a good model, I currently have it. I'vejust always wanted Alphasim's PBY

btw, where can I get the panel by Ken Mitchell?, I like it
I know Mike Stone's PBY is a good model, I currently have it. I'vejust always wanted Alphasim's PBY

btw, where can I get the panel by Ken Mitchell?, I like it
not sure if it's still available. i think i got it from avsim. or might search
First off, I’d like to apologize to those who interpreted my response to Quicksand Jr’s original question as a criticism of ALPHASIM and/or Virtavia. It was not intended as critical of either.

You didn't response to Quicksand's question. You posed another insinuating question. And then another one...
The sarcasm was so evident and you were not critical? Come on! Indeed: enough said.


thanks for the tip, I've tried Flightsim, no go..... but I'll try Avsim :)

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Panel--Consolidated PBY5 Catalina
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 12,700,040 Date: 09-26-2005 Downloads: 2,900
FS2004 Panel--Consolidated PBY5 Catalina. This panel was made for Mike Stone's PBY5 aircraft (SPBY5A.ZIP). By Ken Mitchell.[/SIZE]
And don't miss the update for MS Catalina !!

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Consolidated PBY Update
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 39,717 Date: 03-01-2007 Downloads: 2,004
FS2004 Consolidated PBY Update. The third update for Mike Stone's Consolidated PBY5A Catalina. The author has added another float point, and this time found the cause for it sticking on water and fixed it. It was the minimum pitch angle of the props. This update has everything any of the others had, so you only need this one. You do need the original aircraft (SPBY5A.ZIP). By Bob Chicilo.[/SIZE]