Cessna 140 by Aeroplane Heaven released


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Aeroplane Heaven - You're virtually there.™ Cessna 140 - MSFS - 28.95 USD from AH directly, also appearing on multiple popular storefronts soon if not already.

My initial thoughts: The visual model and texture work is very good. Animated windows and doors, some nice little visual touches such as the 140 keychain. Night lighting is pleasant both inside and out. There is a G1000 available (default off) that I know most of us would never touch, but it's there.

The flight model feels good so far, but I haven't tested the limits yet.

The bad: The interior sounds are awful, I can't put it any other way. The engine sound is poor quality, loops constantly. It's loose .wav files including ones from FS2000. The sound is not directional and there is no attenuation when you open the windows or doors, both things that ought to be standard in an MSFS payware IMO. You'll want to turn the volume down quite a bit to avoid having an instant migraine in this plane. Pull up about any video of a C140 or compare to your real world experience if you have any and you'll likely agree the sound needs a big upgrade.

Thus far I'm enjoying flying it, but for the price I expected more. Hopefully we'll see some updates down the road. Look forward to hearing others thoughts.
The more I'm flying this the less I'm sure what it is about the sound that bothers me so much. If I keep the volume level down, it's not too bad. It might just be my headphones which have a flat response (Audio Technica) maybe on a gaming headset it's different. I'm following froogle's advice of giving an addon 10 flight hours before passing any major judgement, so keep in mind everything I've said thus far is <1 hour first impressions.
Another quick reply to add that I'm seeing about a 20-25 FPS drop in this aircraft compared to the stock 152. I consistently hit 48-49 FPS in the 152 in the exact same location/time/weather and 20-25 fps tops in the 140. Curious if anyone else experiences this. It happens even worse in the Yak 18T (clearly a memory leak with that one) but this one is eating frames for sure.
Thx for info @LostPilot. I'm very curious about the Sim update 5 patch, maybe it will improve these FPS here.
I have P3D version and it was very light model for FPS so strange that you notice FPS drop in near the same model. Maybe its an issue of this modern avionics?
Well in a second more thorough flight I was unable to replicate the performance issues. I made sure to turn all other addons off, so I suspect there may have been some conflict somewhere. Most notably I'm wondering if the recent WT G1000 addon update might have something to do with it? I gave the addon an hour-long once-over here for anyone who's interested. I am really enjoying it! Cessna 140 by Aeroplane Heaven - First impressions - Twitch
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The more I'm flying this the less I'm sure what it is about the sound that bothers me so much. If I keep the volume level down, it's not too bad. It might just be my headphones which have a flat response (Audio Technica) maybe on a gaming headset it's different. I'm following froogle's advice of giving an addon 10 flight hours before passing any major judgement, so keep in mind everything I've said thus far is <1 hour first impressions.

Finally I have it (btw. what is interesting the better price has ORBX store ;>), very nice model. I spent a lot of time in this C140 in P3D so nice to see it in MSFS now. I didnt noticed any FPS issue, the sound its ok for me too. What is very good - the scale of VC in VR is ok also (many models, even payware in MSFS has here a problem), in C140 of AH the VC in VR looks like real size, or near to real, so nice feature for me. Two things for me must be checked - prop animation, there is a stutter in the animation, especially at 2000 RPM level, AMPS indicator shows zero also and a wish - if the windows are open - sound of the wind (so like with Accu Feel in FSX/P3D), it would be nice to see it as additional feature but generally nice start for AH in MSFS World!:wiggle:

I'm following froogle's advice of giving an addon 10 flight hours before ...

Did you do uninterrupted flight more than 40 minutes?
What I noticed after 35-40 minutes batteries are gone (from cold and dark, so parking start), seems that the engine not charging battery here (it's probably related to what I noticed in post earlier, which is that the ammeter indicator shows zero when engine is running).
Result, no power after 40 minutes of flight:

Someone also noticed it in a longer flight?

Btw. what is nice here we have few new skins that arent present in P3D version.

The power loss is due to there being no alternator switch in the Cessna and the sim requiring an alternator/generator to keep the battery charged.

We have coded a workaround which will form part of an upgrade we hope to release this weekend.

Included in the upgrade will be several fixes for identified bugs and we have also replaced the G1000 with a more user friendly, neater solution for those wanting modern avionics.

This will take the form of a GNS430 GPS, a GTX380 Transponder and an S-Tec 55 autopilot. Like the G1000, this suite is toggled by the avionics switch and is hidden by default.

There will also be a surprise inclusion which we will announce when we release the upgrade.

It would seem that the package is very popular and we are delighted with its performance so far. Being our first foray into MSFS (if you discount the cardboard Spitfire!) it is most encouraging and we are planning a long line of products to come for the simulator.

So,thanks to all who have bought and we hope you will enjoy the upgrade when it is released.:engel016:
It would seem that the package is very popular and ...

Thx for info Baz, sounds good. I think MSFS will be more popular even after Sim Update 5 when they will increase the performance (now some of people still doesnt use MSFS due perfomance and spec of his PC or laptop).The difference to the C140 P3D version is also a lack of float version in MSFS but as I know its a still float model's issue in the whole MSFS so its not a problem. Good move with this replacement of modern avionics to GNS430. Personally I dont like in this old style cockpit any modern avionics (and I dont use it) but I know that some people needs it.
Is it possible to add (like on default models) for parking option (cold and dark) Tank Selector on BOTH OFF for beginning position in incoming update? It would be nice. :very_drunk:
Yes that should be OK. Not sure whether MSFS is the same though. Whether it affects loading a flight,I have yet to establish.:engel016:
Thanks for this beauty, Baz. I've only taken it on one short hop around my local airport patch, so far. It was a real beauty, and well behaved. Looking forward to more time to really get some more stick (yoke) time.
You're welcome my friend. Glad you are enjoying the old girl. Update will be here soon, she's only going to get better from here on in.:engel016:
FYI :very_drunk::

CESSNA 140 UPDATEWe are currently uploading a major update for the Cessna 140. ALL existing customers will download for free. New customers automatically get the upgrade as part of the package they purchase.

In response to owner feedback, we have removed the G1000 and replaced with a more compact GNS430 system.

The upgrade includes a float version. Please be advised that MSFS has yet to code water interactions and make proper floats available, so this one like all floatplanes so far is a workaround to allow you to fly from and land on water.

Here is the changelog:

1) Model reconfigured to give choice of SPATS, NO SPATS or BUSHWHEELS selectable directly in the sim without the need for separate models.
2) Floatplane Version added
3) G1000 replaced with more compact, user friendly, optional avionics suite comprising:
GNS 430 (GPS)
GTX 328 Transponder
S-Tec 55 Autopilot
4) Numerous texture improvements
5) Rain effect reversed to fall in the correct direction.
6) Missing rear left quarter cabin structure textures replaced in all liveries
7) Revised electrics code to allow for continuous alternator operation
Revised engine code

9) Revised fuel-burn

We will advise when the upgrade is ready for download.

Just one thing: this tail wheel on float version looks strange a little but maybe its a wip still.

Thx for the update, especially this:

If you have the upgrade, you open the door (pilot) and there is a clickspot over the wheel.:engel016:
there is no click spot over the port side wheel - v1.1
Also - rain is now entering the cabin through the top of the fuselage
Also - the radio is still too quiet and still has no volume adjustment knob
Also - the Starter switch/knob is no longer animated

Cannot find a rudder raise/lower lever or switch on the float equipped model
I'll post a video of what I'm seeing shortly - and there it is
