Charter Member

A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 1 Skins Add-Ons
Description: CFS1 New Textures: Army Air Corps Stearman PT-13B
New textures with corrected Emblem for the 1940 Boeing Stearman-75 280 Hp PT-13B Biplane Trainer in metallic Grey U.S. Army Corps livery.
The Star and Bar emplem was missing on the fuselage, and the bars were missing on the stars on the wings.
REQUIRES aircraft model "CFS1 Stearman" by Stephan Scholz.
These new Textures have been made by Udo Entenmann.
To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit CFS1 New Textures: Stearman
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