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A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 1 Aircraft Add-Ons
Description: 1918 Zeppelin Staaken R.VI, 4-engined giant biplane night-bomber Nr. 36/16, license built by Albatros Flugzeugwerke, capable of payloads of upto 2 tonnes. Colour scheme is darkened standard-issue splinter-lozenge night-bomber livery. Its 4 "overcompressed" Maybach Mb.IVa airship engines, with oversized high-altitude cylinders, were rated 245 hp at 8200 ft (2500 metres) and 1400 rpm, giving a top speed of almost 73 kt (83.9 mph). This variant had a central fin and rudder, as well as greater range thanks. Like the previous model, this one has gunners and guns, also featuring CFS1 flight dynamics to emulate high-compression, throttle-gated airship engines, where the .air file regulates maximum throttle at different altitudes automatically. Virtual Cockpit view corrected using SCASM. Custom Sounds by Mike Hambly included, selected and configured by Christoph Ruhtenberg. Source AFX/PCX/SCX files, custom panel and Dp files also included. By Stephan Scholz.
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