CFS3 can now be played online with GameRanger


Scott Kevill

Hi all, due to popular request, I've added support for playing CFS3 online with GameRanger.

GameRanger is an online gaming service that was released for the PC a few weeks ago with support for over 500 games and demos. One of these games was CFS1, but the feedback I received suggested CFS3 was in even more dire need of a solution.

One of the advantages of GameRanger is that you don't need to worry about port-forwarding with routers and firewalls. Of course, if you are playing online already, you probably have that figured out. At any rate, this should be much more convenient than exchanging IP addresses.

You can download it from Let me know if you have any questions.
Wow! this is exciting news! A welcome shot in the arm for cfs3 :applause::applause:

Shall be giving it a try for certain.

Thankyou very much Scott, this will be appreciated I'm sure :)
Great news!

This will help us keep the fires burning.

Just a comment, if I might. I was over at the CFS2 board and man what activity there, new planes, objects, features, scenery and stuff. We have made a good deal of progress here with ETO, but new planes and such are just not coming about as quickly as we need them. Come on folks some of us are getting real tired and need the help!
:kilroy:The real questions are:

1. Does it really support CFS3?

2. Will it also support CFS3 ETO Expansion, PTO, MAW, OFF, and KS?

3. What will the actual monetary cost be? Playing by IP adresses is free. I won't lie to you, I smell a hook. It's been my experience that there is "no free lunch", although I could be wrong.:d
Well Griz on the surface ,some of it appears to be free, seems one can 'upgrade' to SILVER for $19.99 or Gold $39.95 and receive MORE features.
It's completely free to play. As one-eye said, there are Silver and Gold accounts as well, but they are not required. There is a space for an ad banner in the main window, which will eventually be used, but is currently just a placeholder.

As for mods, I have no idea. I have only tested the stock version.

I haven't tested CFS3 with GameRanger on Vista, but all the other supported games generally work fine with Vista, so I don't see why it wouldn't.

Luca,lightman,.TIM, Grizzy,Firestorm,and myself tested this gameranger server.
Myself,Luca,Lightman and Gizz all had a few minor problems hosting and joining each other games.{ But Grizz was able to host for the 1st time ever!!}
.TIM and Firestorm had a lot of problems unable to join games or host a game.
GOOD STUFF - Grizz hosted his 1st game
-it auto starts CFS3+finds+fills the IP
BAD STUFF -sometimes freezes at the mulitiplayer server list
-some players are unable to host or join
-sometimes CFS3 auto times out before players can join a game
-Max of 4 players[can this be changed?]
-you can not go to desktop from CFS3 or the game aborts

Scott Kevill-we recieved this error from time to time
Control-'1st Zone "isn't found in the dialog " dlgmissionslist.xml"

So the big question would be , can vista users play here on line????
Would someone with vista be willing to give it try?
When Microsoft took down the Mechwarrior servers,the MekTek website hosted their own servers...they also located the reg entry with the web address that took us to the closed microsoft server and gave us the new web address to inter into the registry so, when we clicked play we went to the MekTek server. Cant we do the same thing with this???

I used one of my gmail accounts to register. My spam settings block all junk to my in box. I have had 4 spam emails get past my filter since using the account to register with the client install just yesterday.

Not digging that

All and particularly Tailwind,

I have been using Gameranger for about a month for European Air War. I have not been getting any spam. I use Google email. We have found that those using versions of Windows BEFORE XP can not use Gameranger. That is a bigger number than you might guess. We have a group of retired persons on low income, so they have old computers and are 'computer challanged'. Some of the under 20 crowd are now also computer challanged.

I like gameranger because it does provide a chat room and a voice option that works almost as good as Team Speak. It has a small delay. We too found that some persons that could not host can now do so.

As far as what games are supported I Scott Kevill's answer. It seems that it is game independent to me. Set up hosting for any game you like and just point to the execute you want to use.

I find it very handy because if some one puts up a game and is just waiting for others to join I can see the game and come in. As soon as everyone is ready the host just launches the game. Being able to see that a game is available is a great help to me because my fly times are very unpredictable.
All and particularly Tailwind,

Hey, I just reports it as I sees it.....

Also, does the 4 player limit apply to non pay accounts? If one has to pay to have more than himself and three others flying then that will be an issue.

Right now I can host for free, have 16 people join and not have to install client software. If that can be offered by GameRanger then you might have a shot at me. If not then what's the incentive?

OK so I'd be willing to install the client. But free and more players is a must.


NP Tailwind. When I just brought up the game (without gameranger) and went to do the multiplayer thing and 'unchose' the ms server thing it only gave me a max of 4 online. I don't know much about CFS3 so I found this odd.

When you do use gr and are the host, when you click 'start' what happens? In EAW you get the panel where the host click's 'launch' . When he does that we go into a countdown and poof - we are all in the air flying.
NP Tailwind. When I just brought up the game (without gameranger) and went to do the multiplayer thing and 'unchose' the ms server thing it only gave me a max of 4 online. I don't know much about CFS3 so I found this odd.

I believe it will do that if in multi player settings for CFS3 your connection is set for Dialup (Default). If you change it to LAN or 1.5 connection then the max players can be increased to 16.

When you do use gr and are the host, when you click 'start' what happens? In EAW you get the panel where the host click's 'launch' . When he does that we go into a countdown and poof - we are all in the air flying.
I have not actually hosted yet. I have just heard that there is a four player limit on the free account. If this is incorrect my apologies. If it's correct then it may be an issue. Can some one confirm this?


sorry for my bad english ,
yesterday i had opened and played with some forum mebmers a test game on GameRanger, the max number of player was 4 ( on private games i can host 16 ).
I think the max numbers of players is independent form free account (bronze card), but is depend from server administrators settings for the games.
I have see some games opened from host with the bronze cards played by 8 - 12 - 16 players.
But I am not sure at 100%