CFS3 can now be played online with GameRanger

Hi , on my pc i had installed windowxp sp3 and i have standard Cfs3 v3.1 ,
3 weeks ago i have hosted , joined and played with others members some game on GameRanger , 4 players max in game and no possible for players to join in a game after start.
Today i had started GameRanger program and it auto updating ,
good news:
- in main menu unloked the possibillity to allow players when the game is running (before not possible) :wiggle:
- in main menu the numbers of players increased (6 - 8 - 10 -12 - 14 -16) :wiggle:
bad news (i have tested with Flyer01 and tim. ):
- i tryed to host a game 16 players; others can not connect. I tryed to host game 4 players; others can not connect. :banghead:
- i tryed to join to a game opened by Flyer01 (he have xp) , i can not connect. :banghead:
Error message: will appeare a little window with the host ip number - exact ip - and past a error message: not possible to connect at ip , control your internet connection is on and another message that i do not remember.

:kilroy:Luca, it's different than Ip-to_IP. Here's the procedure:

1. Download and install GameRanger.
2. Do not start CFS3 (It does have to be vanilla, though, and fully updated to 3.1 and 3.1a).
3. Start GameRanger, and look up in the upper right-hand corner of the screen if you want to Host a game. There will be a button called "Host". There is also a button named "Join" if you want to join a game that is already up.
4. Press "Host" or "Join" and take it from there.

I have had no problems so far. Still haven't determined if this is usable with Vista, though.

I'll be putting a game up sometime tomorrow. Watch the Post IP Games Here sticky tomorrow.:d
:kilroy:Scott Kevill, please do not remove CFS3 from GameRanger. Some people don't know how to connect. Some are typing GameRanger in as IP. They need the proper procedure. I just posted that a little while ago.:d
Hi ,
Merry Christmas to all ,

i had just ended a test game on Gameranger with Grizzly50. We have played .
I am joined and played a game opened by Grizzly50 and i have hosted a game.
:mixedsmi: no problems , latency around 180ms , all running very well :mixedsmi:

Please Scott do not remove CFS3 - more test needed :applause:
Hi people this sounds real good, I'm sure we can get this working to our satisfaction, i think we should give it a go. Any 1 with an update.
Here's how it works:

1. Got to and download it right from the Home Page.

2. Install it on your computer.

3. Start the GameRanger, and in the upper right-hand corner will be two buttons, Host and Join. (Host will always be highlighted. Join will be highlighted if some one has GameRanger up.) Clicking on Host will give a choice of games on your machine to pick. Pick CFS3 from the pull-down menu, and then CFS3 will appear on the GameRanger list.

4. Click Start at the lower right-hand corner of the new screen will start CFS3. Now set up your game as a Host.

You only need to download and install GR once.

Do not start CFS3. The GameRanger will do it for you.

Do not type the GameRanger address into CFS3's Multiplayer IP address bar.

The normal fully-updated CFS3 still applies (3.1 and 3.1a Updates).

Post your games here at SOH the way you normally would.

You can only join if someone has a game up.

Latency seems to be usually no worse than one would normally experience in IP-to-IP games, and often a little better.

It gives people who can't normally host the ability to host.

The Vista-based CFS3 question is still up in the air.:d
Tried to host / join game with Luca 16 and 4 player if that matters and did not work.???????????????????

Glad I did not pay for this site. Not to be rude but so far do's not work. Hope it can be fixed. Would be a good alternative for CFS3 games.

flyer01, reporting on Game Ranger progress and out.

Was able to join/ host on Game Ranger tonight. TY, Scott. What ever you did it worked.
TY, Grizz for working with me to test connection. TY. Jim for helping with test also. GR is a way for people to host / join games of CFS3 that where not able to before. Grizzly 50 is one of the biggest voices on SOH but was not able to host games Now he can. It should help the CFS3 online flying community grow and that is a good thing. :applause:

flyer01, reporting on Game Ranger progress and out.
GameRanger Use

:kilroy:To all,

In addition to the above, to Host or Join CFS3 through GameRanger after installation you need to click Host or Join (can only Join if there's a game up) in the upper right-hand corner. If Hosting, then you click Start in the lower right-hand corner of the next screen. If joining, then just click Join.:d
How was the lag while playing with so few people? About a year ago I tried CFS3 and hated the lag affect I was experiencing. It was in part due to my very old computer. I am putting together another computer that will handle anything CFS3 and any modes can throw at it. So, if I try again I hope for a no lag situation.

Along with that will I see five or more people flying it every evening - USA central time?
:kilroy:Uriah, the only way to have zero latency (lag) is to host. Only a small part is due to your machine. Most of it seems to be internet connection type and the network itself. Dial-up and wireless usually have latency problems themselves. The better the connection, the better the latency. The further from the host you are, the higher the lag.:d

I am using a LAN line, not wireless.
Download Upload Ping
1520 366 68ms

I am in Omaha, Nebraska - USA
Will that do well enough?
:kilroy:Uriah, sounds good enough to me. However, there is another latency issue, and that is when others join a game, what their connection affects everyone else in that game. I don't know exactly why, but I know that's what happens. That is to say, if someone is hosting a game, and just one person on dial-up or wireless comes in, it increases everyone's latency, except the host, of course.

I any regard, if you are the host, your latency is always zero, but if you join someone else's game, you are subject to a number of modifiers, such as distance to the host, other people's connections, internet traffic, etc. I hope this helps.:d
Tried to join tonight but not able to join games. was able to host /join last night. Any thoughts on what the problem could be. did the same things I did last night. maybe I have been blocked by GR i don't know.If i was blocked I would think they would let me know.
Game ranger at my level

Fly01, game is up now.


Hi Grizzly,
Thanks for your-Cobra and Luca's help other day trying to get into Game Ranger play.

The system seems to be allright, I'm sure my problems lie with my computer as we talked about. I re- installed CfS3 with up-dates and re-programmed stick to CFS3 as normal. All my games work OK, but re- joining your Game Ranger Game is same problems.

Noticed that no little green light comes up when I host as well as my name is still in Italics, that all points to my end problems.

I got into and opened my BT Hub Router, programmed in CFS3 allow on-line traffic, that seems OK. Went into " Port Fwd. com" and followed through instructions with an Article on this in a UK Computer Mag. Was able to set-up my computer TCP/IP config to IP's-Default gateway and DNS info and clicked OK. re-Checked that window again and it was all still there. ( So far so good- I must even be able to host IP games now too--heh-heeh !! :mixedsmi:)

Soon as I went back to effective Yahoo Home page ( put up by Internet Explorer ) Window pops up that I.E. has to close due to Micro-Soft Error , Soon as I close that window or submit details, the desk-top clears itself and re-sets. Upon checking the IP Config window again, it has re-set to default. This happens every time, with other programmes too.

So my problems appear to be with Internet Explorer on my Computer only.

Very annoying, but at least I've tracked something down. I'll sit down and re-think my way out of this one now and have a feeling once this problem is cracked, I'll be Hosting IP games too as well as Game Ranger.

My normal playing CFS3 on-Line appears to be unaffected.

Once again Grizz. thnx for your help, it led me to this. :ernae:

See you on-line

Bill T.

Hi Grizzly,
Thanks for your-Cobra and Luca's help other day trying to get into Game Ranger play.

The system seems to be allright, I'm sure my problems lie with my computer as we talked about. I re- installed CfS3 with up-dates and re-programmed stick to CFS3 as normal. All my games work OK, but re- joining your Game Ranger Game is same problems.

Noticed that no little green light comes up when I host as well as my name is still in Italics, that all points to my end problems.

I got into and opened my BT Hub Router, programmed in CFS3 allow on-line traffic, that seems OK. Went into " Port Fwd. com" and followed through instructions with an Article on this in a UK Computer Mag. Was able to set-up my computer TCP/IP config to IP's-Default gateway and DNS info and clicked OK. re-Checked that window again and it was all still there. ( So far so good- I must even be able to host IP games now too--heh-heeh !! :mixedsmi:)

Soon as I went back to effective Yahoo Home page ( put up by Internet Explorer ) Window pops up that I.E. has to close due to Micro-Soft Error , Soon as I close that window or submit details, the desk-top clears itself and re-sets. Upon checking the IP Config window again, it has re-set to default. This happens every time, with other programmes too.

So my problems appear to be with Internet Explorer on my Computer only.

Very annoying, but at least I've tracked something down. I'll sit down and re-think my way out of this one now and have a feeling once this problem is cracked, I'll be Hosting IP games too as well as Game Ranger.

My normal playing CFS3 on-Line appears to be unaffected.

Once again Grizz. thnx for your help, it led me to this. :ernae:

See you on-line

Bill T.

Firestorm was unable to join or host ,he was timing out at the mulitiplayer join screen ,it seems a CFS3 heavy with mods and a older computor was taking to long to start up and load and CFS3 would time out with an error to check your connected to the internet.Firestorm did a clean install shorten his boot time and now hosts and joins no problem to Gameanger.
Game Ranger-----


Hi One Eye,
Thnx for info, My re-install of CFS3 was tried and went off OK, re-patched to 1.1 and 1a as well. But made no difference to CFS3 boot-up time, that has always been the same, never been any problems there.

Trying Game Ranger Hosting, I get into the game winding up,then into CFS3 Game List and after selecting Game options ( Aircraft,etc ) I actually get the on-Line Game screen come up, after the Blue sky effect, which I get out of by ctrl+shift+s---- But it seems frozen, I went out to task manager and desk top and PCU was running at 100%, No little green light on Ranger Game list either, back into my hosted game and can type Ok,but as soon as I submit, CFS3 dis-connects server. So back to square one. I don't think other folk can get into my game either.

On Joining Grizzly's Game ranger Game, once I get to CFS3 Game List, nothing happens after that

I'm sure my PC needs upgrading to more RAM and memory, and will do that soon as I can. The other problems mentioned in previous Post here are still with me. I'm sure I have a computer problem so will work on that.

Everyones input helps though, ----much appreciated o-Great-One -:icon_lol:.

Bill T.
Was able to join game today. Did not change anything on my pc. I think there is a bug in the GR system that allows you to join sometimes and other times it won't. I don't think that it is on my side because I can join IP games that are posted on SOH.

Hi all
i have now a little problem with Gameranger program.

When i start Gameranger for host a game , Cfs3 start , but after some seconds cfs3 stop to load and i have this error message:

Control "lstzonelan" isn't found the dialog "dlgmissionlist.xml"
Control "lstplayers" isn't found the dialog "dlgmissionlist.xml"

after i must close cfs3
and return on Gameranger main menu
i restart host game, and after all run well.

It is possible to fix this bug? I have cfs3 v3.1 - v3.1a win xp

Thank you very much.
Hi Luca

Hi all
i have now a little problem with Gameranger program.

When i start Gameranger for host a game , Cfs3 start , but after some seconds cfs3 stop to load and i have this error message:

Control "lstzonelan" isn't found the dialog "dlgmissionlist.xml"
Control "lstplayers" isn't found the dialog "dlgmissionlist.xml"

after i must close cfs3
and return on Gameranger main menu
i restart host game, and after all run well.

It is possible to fix this bug? I have cfs3 v3.1 - v3.1a win xp

Thank you very much.


Thanks for your help the other day. I still cannot get into a Game Ranger game although can get into GR rooms. Funnily enough, I've had the same message as you have when trying to host GR. And written above all that is "IMqix"--which means nothing to me either. Still, I must be getting nearer to the problem, I reckon it's my router hiding my computer now, as the write-up from Game Ranger says.

"Symmetric NAT Router", --------- so armed with more info now on Port Forwarding and the all important ports for CFS3,I'm hoping for a break-through soon and am pretty certain all this once cracked will enable me to Host I.P games too.

So all is not bad, it just seems that way.:costumes:-----:isadizzy: Phew !!!--

Roll on enlightenment !!!!!!!-----:173go1:

Bill T.
Aaaaahhhhh!!!!---Seek and you will find--LOL

Hi Grizz / Luca,
Getting a lot closer to my GR "No Enter" problem.

Managed to get Port forwarding done for CFS3 on-line hosting ( Found the list of ports needed in a "Read Me". ). Installed all these on my router, still no joy, so i eliminated my 3 Firewalls one at a time ( One in Router--and 2 in Computer, Windows and AVG ) I switched off Windows firewall permanently as it seemed redundant anyway,still no joy, then turned off AVG Firewall and tried a CFS3 IP Host. ( Still had Router one on )

And guess what ?--yes-- It worked and I was into my own Hosted game in a JU-88. ( So surprised that I slammed into that big Mnt. in Camberay on spawn --LOL ).

Never been able to get this far before, ( where's all the Icons Gone--I need Grinner right now )

Now I have to fathom out how to allow CFS3 On-Line Hosting permitted through my AVG Firewall. So as I am now effectively through into the Virtual Cyberspace, I must be able to get into Game Ranger as well.

AVG Profiling and Network adapters is totally beyond me. Anyone know a quick way to assign CFS3 to be allowed through AVG Firewall.?

Think my computer just needs an up-grade ,thats all too, then I'll be after all your 6's,in my no LAT IP Game.--LOL .

Bill T.