Hi Six strings,
Great to hear from you, yes, would be great also if you can get back into flying on-line again. We are still going, with insults and tiny bit of sneakiness, as you well know. lol

. We are still on the expanded range of aircraft in use and Fre (Steph ) has kindly put together a complete download package that you install and its ready to go. I would say best bet is to get back talking with Kim, ( Firestorm ) as he led you on your merry first dance. Will make sure he knows about your post. At moment, all quiet on western front today, no one hosting, but keep watching. Found Team Speak for Sim Outhouse is also down today, ??? this does happen from time to time.
As for the flying against these jailbirds, lol, I've found some quite good fun in flying a B-17 loaded with 8x 1000 bombs. I fly around low /high and if gunners don't catch em, the bombs (eggs) will. Trick is to not blow yourself up, it can be done. Have even won games( Online combat with spawns ) flying B-17 sometimes. you can fly a few hundred yds. away at low level and enemy complaining about being hit and they don't even see you, as bomber blends in with scenery really well.

. Mind you, they will drop bombs on you 2.