cfs3 rebuild completing

You guys at CR1 got CFS3 working with dx11. wow very impressive..does that mean VR could possibly be used in the future with this sim?

The guys at OBD put a disclaimer on their store page I think,saying you must own Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 3 for licensing purposes
With many people working on this it could far outstrip WOTR as far as development time. Sounds very promising . Would pay good money for a "updated" CFS3. Love this sim and sounds great that there is still interest in it. A good platform to start with. Regards,Scott
hey guys, I have a few pms on this but they went to another really old account that I don't have the passwords too. If you want to send me pms use this account.

Yes Im allowed to do anything I want with the sim, its pretty much a dead game to ms now so they are ok with it. I will be going pretty hard on it once I get through the Aeronca and Ford updates and they new site relaunches.

So in this will will be getting the usual planes like th ep51 spits and hurricanes but you will be getting other planes too and it will be a real cfs4

The water and land class should look real good to guys and I working on the clouds and smoke effects. Land vehicles Im going to make them a bit more detailed as well.

Its a huge job but a little at time and the mountain can be climbed.

I will be putting in the new do 335 into this game. So what ever I build for fsx and [prepared is what is going into here.

hey guys, I have a few pms on this but they went to another really old account that I don't have the passwords too. If you want to send me pms use this account.

Yes I'm allowed to do anything I want with the sim, its pretty much a dead game to ms now so they are ok with it. I will be going pretty hard on it once I get through the Aeronca and Ford updates and they new site relaunches.

So in this big upgrade we will be getting the usual planes like the p51 spits and hurricanes but you will be getting other planes too and it will be a real cfs4

The water and land class should look real good to guys and I working on the clouds and smoke effects. Land vehicles I'm going to make them a bit more detailed as well.

Its a huge job but a little at time and the mountain can be climbed.

I will be putting in the new do 335 into this game. So what ever I build for fsx and [prepared is what is going into here. SO the biggest issues is having the game run solid for the many versions of windows 10 coming up and adjusting to mc as we go along. Also the huge detailed air craft I am building. But the new intro video is working perfect, the art work is way cool and a new them sound track is being developed. I don't want cfs3 again, I want cfs4! SO it is very different from cfs3. Later on after release I want to do more land class additions for Russia and pacific but that will be later.

It is a commercial release so it will be a comparable price to any other game, but not as crazy as some of the games I have built, like its not a 100.00 buck game or any It will be on my site and with Steam, and we have a publisher now to so they ill distribute it as they see fit as well. But I think its around a 50.00 game/ add on but you are getting all the prepared planes in it and each of those for fsx and prepared is around 50.00 so I think its a good deal. thing is we get a modern combat sim! That is where Im really at!

You do need to have the old game. I have new copies and slightly used copies. I have collected over 4000 copies of cfs3 and have them ready. I just have to get permission to sell them to you but I don't think that will be a problem, I'm looking into it now. I might be even able to combine the tow into one down load, but I will need to fly to MC head quarters for a meeting to do that, and I will. :)

So what Im thinking is that I will use a patcher. So those that support me will buy the addon and as it gets more developed the patcher will just down load the new content automatically when you start the game, you will get up date notes and fixes to bugs and stuff like that would come through that like a real mmo.

Just working through those details now.
Great News ! Looking forward to it's release ! A CFS4 ,that's what we need ! Don't mind spending on something good such as this. Need to donate here as well as i wouldn't know what to do without SOH ! Cheers,Scott
The best news to me is that there will be work on the Eastern Front and the Pacific Theater later on.Would gladly pay around $50.00 for a "new" sim based on a familiar platform. By the time it comes out i'll surely have my new gaming rig,so i'll be ready to handle it.Maybe it will turn out as good as WOFF-(which is only around $30.00 ,and a steal). We can only hope. Regards,Scott
Well I dont show to much on this but here is one of the planes for the cfs4 project. Its much further along now.
It will be for fsxac prepar3d 4.4 and cfs3/4

I will show you pics of others here soon



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Damage Modelling

Greetings, what you are doing should grab the attention of anyone who enjoys the CFS3 virtual world.

My question is about damage modelling. There have been a number of advances in damage modelling for CFS3 in recent years. Are you familiar with them, and do you intend to incorporate them in your aircraft models?

For example, it is possible to have different damage/bullethole textures called in the .mos file for wood and metal, a technique used a lot by the WOFF/WOTR team. It is also possible to achieve randomisation of bullethole textures, so that the texture name called in the .mos file will look different randomly. Then there is all the work that has been done on cockpit damage which has become more and more sophisticated.

And simply locating emitters so that fuel/oil/hydraulic leaks are realistically located.

And no doubt more that my addled brain has overlooked.

All the best for your exciting project
I just finished 7 years working on Destiny, Halo Reach and Destiny 2 Forsaken. Look them up.
I can put more into this game then the game engine can handle. Damages are easy. I can randomize them as much as you want and there are new techniques that have come out in just the last year in modeling damage effects that are built right into the model that no one, And I mean NO ONE in this community has a clue about simply because its real hard core game designing. All of that stuff I would love to put into this game!

If I cant I will just build a brand new game from scratch!

Basically I WANT A COMBAT FLIGHT SIM! JUST LIKE CFS2 AND CFS3! and I will build it from scratch if I have too, but I'm hoping cfs3 can handle it.

Check out the mentioned games, they kick a lot of hard core butt!

Yes it is a big project but I'm holding interviews now to build up 30 staff just to dedicate to this. I have 115 staff now but they are dedicated to a huge project for a Japaneses game publisher and I dare not take them off that contracted project. So I need a separate team.

Thanks for your comments! Very encouraging!

Glad to see this community is just quiet, not dead, far from it actually!
Thanks for your answer. I am trying not to get my hopes up too much because this sounds very exciting. Your target customers would go far beyond the quiet CFS3 community, growing the base just as OFF/WOFF/HITR/WOTR has.
yes, well In my absence from home--this community-- I made friends with some very big folks in the gaming industry, and they know I want to make a off/online multiplayer mod friendly combat flight sim. So I know that once I put out the feelers I will get 50 million in a heart beat to build it. It would be nice to revamp cfs3 if I can get it to work with all the new technologies that are available now for games. The new game engines available like the lumberjack engine or the starlight engine are out standing for real world environments and physics. So I'm just setting up a new web site now and finishing off the fsx projects I have and a new prepared one that is going to translate over to the combat sim then Im going in full earnest into development on a new combat sim with a full 300 mission campaign -per side- and we will start off with the European theater and go full circle to the American and Japanese conflict and then Russian German conflict then later on we will do Korea and Vietnam.

I want to keep it open ended for you guys to build your creations in and I will welcome commercial and free ware equally. I will get a license for Houdini or another modern 3d cad builder that is modern and can build up to the game standards and let you guys go wild on it. We wont ever shut it down either.

I think it will be a very cool sim for a very long time.
Sounds like a great future for us combat flight simmers ! 600 missions total to start with ! Wow! You are getting me pretty excited about this venture.Love CFS3 and IL-2 ,so a new kid on the block that is open access sounds absolutely great. Can go to bed with sweet dreams now! I wish you the best of luck with this and hope you can still use CFS3 as the base platform. If not, it still sounds outstanding. Regards,Scott
So here is the main problem with cfs3 so far, and to fix it I would have to write a new formula for speed of round vs distance vs impact vs damage per foot for every foot the round travels. Cfs3 has it all wrong, its set mainly for short quick skirmishes and a p51 50 cal dose the exact damage as a 20mm German cannon, so its not realistic. Also bleed off is a mess.

To do this I would have to build a new DLL that would work out the algorithmic calculations as the player/players go at it.
I would have to come up with a similar formula as this:

(0.02138*effsklvl +0.8)


Just a basic damage profile, but you need to set this separate in multiplayer then from home alone

Just one small hurdle out of many but I'm through most of them.

So if I were to build from scratch it can be written right the 1st time and not have to be a work around to get it just right. Because you guys are just like me You want it to be right and it still needs to be fun!

Sorry if the equation miss aligned its the web site design, its not designed for doing game :p
So how do you see things like

1. Missions for both on and off line but not in a campaign. In other words, more historical missions,

2. Development of ground stuff, such as scenery (as good as FSX?), and airbases including lighting, cities and damage effects such as large scale bombing damage.

3. AA and Flak. Searchlights.

4. Weather.

5. Radar such as used by WW II night fighters and modeled reasonably well by IL2 variants.

6. Development of 2 and 4 engine aircraft. How much of the current and often improved CFS3/ETO aircraft stuff can be transferred or improved?

That should do for a starter!:jump:
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