CFS3 Spitfire cockpits

Pat Pattle

Nigel got me thinking about the MK1 Spitfire cockpits,

I have 3 versions in my install, Aeroplane Heaven, Just Flight and our own ETO.

In my opinion...
The AH one 'looks' the prettiest but the panel is inaccurate and it's missing the knockout/vent on the left side of the canopy.
The Just Flight version is the most detailed but it has some very strange colours. Looking at the textures these could be improved.
The ETO one still needs a fair bit of work but the layout is more accurate than the AH pit and looks a bit more 'office-like' than the others.

Any thoughts chaps??

Aeroplane Heaven

Just Flight

The AH one is my favourite despite the inaccuracies - just a question of feeling and immersion. The ETO one is getting there, I will admit, but it still lacks sharpness and polish, both of which I expect are due for application soon! However, the curved elements - for example the cut-out in the forward frame below the panel - are still too angular, and that is a major eyesore. It's also a major way of increasing polys... Finally, I don't like the man. Sorry, I know a lot of work has gone into him, but he's still too clunky and rather spoils it for me. Dare I suggest two versions, with and without? But despite my comments, I have to admit you're doing a very good job, and at this rate, it won't be long yntil the Spit has a first-class cockpit. Then you need John to paint it!
Thanks for the input Nigel, an unmanned version will be easy to arrange.
I'll also take a look at the general look of it with regards to the frame and other bits and pieces.

There is one issue with it (which affects the PD Hurricane too) in that the fusealge is too narrow which in turn makes it tricky to get everything in where it should be without fouling. My modelling isn't up to replacing it unfortunately!

Btw have you checked out the early mk1 in the ETO? It's the Tuck version.
Clive :)

ps. the BoB2 pit is very nice indeed and better IMO than all of the above...
The AH one is AH Spitfire v1 - Justflight was the reseller of the AH Spitfire v2 - just some clarification.
I have the JF Spit and the ETO Spit in my CFS3 install - I only use the ETO Spit due to FPS, but would welcome one without the pilot - agreeing with you about the colors of the JF Spit cockpit...
pat paddle .....good idea , i feel the more accurate the better , based on trhe real time effects and all.

so good work and will wait with baited tongue hanging out

joshua/lb :medals:
I'm torn about the ETO pit w/ pilot... as its a great dogfighter and mr 'Hands' would add ta the immersion 'cept..... Oh man!, them big brown rubber gloves... ew! they're gonna Smell... I think they're maybe used for some kinda 'medical'
procedure on a large ANIMAL, mebbe not so much use in the ol' RAF, hmm? :engel016:
When the oil and petrol you're sitting behind catch fire, you'll be bloody glad for those gloves. Anybody who flies a Spit with any skin showing at all is a fool. If the man stays, the gloves should stay, too - although it'd be nice if they looked a little more real!
When the oil and petrol you're sitting behind catch fire, you'll be bloody glad for those gloves. Anybody who flies a Spit with any skin showing at all is a fool.

Well said, and many learned that lesson the hardest way.

After Ross very kindly gave us the source files for the pilot the idea was that he'd be given a few choices of flying gear, Capt Winters was looking at these (if you still have time mate!) :). Personally I've always liked the white overalls so would like to see those depicted (of the University Air Squadrons was it?).

When tweaking the pit I'll make a piloted and pilotless version so folks will have the choice. I'll try and get him in the Hurricane too in the same way.
Anyone know of any pix of actual combat pilots' gloves? as well as what color... length... fabric?

I'd venture a guess that they wuz some sort of treated leather, tho' as things progressed some sort of special fire retardant/chemically treated fashion statements were prolly in order!

Clive, yes! some pilot-hands for the Hurricane pits would be great! :applause: ...just not something King-Kong would be seen doin' the dishes with... wot? (...tho' I'll bet Kong would be quite luvly in a frilly little apron...)
Hey thanx Griz... that was quite informative :applause::icon29:
Yeah, if we could somehow emphasize the cinching of the wrists it would help get rid of the 'rubber' gloves look...
"...sorry, my dear, can't do the dishes now... gotta Fly, gotta SHOOT!"
Ya see a fighter pilot in full gear(Platex 'living' gloves incld.) strollin' down Santa Monica Blvd. arm 'n arm w/ a big gorilla in a pretty apron...

theze days the "norm" is a grey area... WOT? ..........:kilroy:............:mixedsmi:
Anyone know of any pix of actual combat pilots' gloves? as well as what color... length... fabric?

I'd venture a guess that they wuz some sort of treated leather, tho' as things progressed some sort of special fire retardant/chemically treated fashion statements were prolly in order!

Clive, yes! some pilot-hands for the Hurricane pits would be great! :applause: ...just not something King-Kong would be seen doin' the dishes with... wot? (...tho' I'll bet Kong would be quite luvly in a frilly little apron...)

When I served in the RAF my gloves were made of fine leather (I think) and White of all colours. Did'nt stay white to long I remember!!
I think I see yer point, Nigel... but ya know sometimes we hafta overcompensate to trick the 'eye'...
Perhaps if we drew in not only the outline stitching but added some "leather-glove-like" stitches and lines...
Also, although the color seems spot-on, I'll bet if it were more yellowish it would help get away from that "about to slosh around in sulfuric acid" look I can't seem to shake...

Or we could realize I'm just off me rocker...(?)

Very Truly Yours,
Alphonseimuffer Q. Piddlethomper III
Chairman and Grand Poobah
Nittpicker Society Local 142A 3/4
YourTown, U.S.A.