did some small progress relating to animations, but not much infact.
the circled wing / rotor system aka autogyro is tagged as propeller and to get the airplane let fly at CFS3 it needs to be set as propeller aircraft aswell - at least it seems to me. it means bye bye my favorite MiG-15 jet flight dynamics (.air and .cfg) ... so Ive used stock P-55A flight settings instead.
the BMW jet engine rear item exhaust "flaps" are set as elevators.
the web sources says the Flugelrad I V-1 gear was fixed - unretractable, even no brakes yet no shock absorbers, but I did it bit animated for the CFS3 solution.
the web sources says the Flugelrad I V-1 was just empty loadout. but Ive added for our CFS3 version optionaly selectable mk.108 gun gondolas and rocket pod loadouts.
actual shots attached.