CG CFS2 Ships in FS9

There is a Colossus class ship for FS9, the Arromanches, by Joel Maillot.
I have not tested it, but I suppose it will have a landable deck. It could be a good idea to ask him for permission to make a library object with his carrier to place it at wish.

Un saludo desde la tierruca. A ver si ganamos de una vez un mundial.

Yes, I know that ship well, and consider it the best straight-deck British carrier deck - at least that's currently available in FS9 today. Indeed, while my perfect Royal Navy scenario is seeing Collin's Glory located around Wonsan and Suez, I would be very happy to see this very nice ship relocated to those sites also. I know Pete and the Naval Stations folks have been working on that project, but it's on hold for now.

Anyway - glad folks are enjoying the conversation. Here's to dreaming of Collin's beauties in FS9 ... :)


ps - La Tierruca ... my mom comes from one province over the west ... Asturianos call it that too! Funny what you begin to forget having lived away for so long ...
I have seen CFS2 ships converted to AI FS9 ships.It is not possible to make landable moving objects in FS9. There would be a possible solution to create a landable carrier: 1.-convert the CFS ship in a FS9 AI ship, 2.-make a AI static plan and 3.- place a AFCAD-created runway in the same position, or a hard deck created with Gmax. I have no experience doing the points 1 and 2, but I have a lot of experiencie with the third one
Brilliant idea mate. It works great with the VN Ark royal. I've only just cobbled it together but it shows up and doesn't hit the frames, I'll have another mess with it at weekend and see what other ships will work.
Ok you 1950's erks, here's da skinny for ya...:salute:

Pat Sully and myself have no problems with people altering the cfs2 models so that they are presentable in other flight sims. Fox 4 has always insisted that anything taken from our site should not be uploaded elsewhere. So we are quite happy to host on the Shipyard pages good quality alterations and give full credit to the people who do it. These secondary authors will be expected to write a 'readme' giving a description of where these ships are positioned within the sim and what they can do.

regards Collin:ernae:
Ok you 1950's erks, here's da skinny for ya...:salute:

Pat Sully and myself have no problems with people altering the cfs2 models so that they are presentable in other flight sims. Fox 4 has always insisted that anything taken from our site should not be uploaded elsewhere. So we are quite happy to host on the Shipyard pages good quality alterations and give full credit to the people who do it. These secondary authors will be expected to write a 'readme' giving a description of where these ships are positioned within the sim and what they can do.

regards Collin:ernae:

Thanks a lot, Collin. The Shipyards is a great place to meet people and look for excellent models. It could be a good idea to include a library with the ships as objects to be placed at wish with ez or other software to create sceneries. It is what I´m doing with my new ships.

Ok you 1950's erks, here's da skinny for ya...:salute:

Pat Sully and myself have no problems with people altering the cfs2 models so that they are presentable in other flight sims. Fox 4 has always insisted that anything taken from our site should not be uploaded elsewhere. So we are quite happy to host on the Shipyard pages good quality alterations and give full credit to the people who do it. These secondary authors will be expected to write a 'readme' giving a description of where these ships are positioned within the sim and what they can do.

regards Collin:ernae:

Excellent - many thanks Collin!!
Thanks a lot, Collin. The Shipyards is a great place to meet people and look for excellent models. It could be a good idea to include a library with the ships as objects to be placed at wish with ez or other software to create sceneries. It is what I´m doing with my new ships.


Now that the "Mercy" line of ships is done, do you see the FS Shipyards Carriers getting a touch of your magic? :)

thanks for the hard work - the hospital ship looks great!

Hi all,

I Was Just wondering if anything ever came of this cos it sounds like a great idea :jump: FS9 could use some more historic carriers , also it would be good to see some of Collin's Destoryers as AI traffic in my Cold War Install, give some of the Sea hawks and Sea fury's something to play with!
I've managed to get a few CFS2 ships to work as pilotable objects in FS9, but that's slightly different I suppose :-(






As for that French Carrier I've always really liked it :)




Kind regards

No idea from memory, but I'll have a rummage

Thanks. Have you got other RN ships from the 80's onwards?

also it would be good to see some of Collin's Destoryers as AI traffic in my Cold War Install, give some of the Sea hawks and Sea fury's something to play with!
You can do that yourself. Grab this...

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 AI Flight Plans FS2004 Starter Kit For AI Ships And Boats
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 2,356,341 Date: 01-23-2004 Downloads: 3,215
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Starter Kit For AI Ships And Boats. Bored of AI traffic in the skies? Try these AI ships, which move independently throughout San Francisco Bay, with custom wake effects. Ships included are L & B Lyons' Garwood Cruiser and Mike Hill's Bark Endeavour. Richard Hogen's LA Class sub requires an additional download. Easy installation! Tips and tricks for adding your own "shipping lanes" anywhere in the FS world. By Holger Sandmann.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]With a bit of cutting and pasting, you can get a CFS2 ship in as AI, with no problem.[/SIZE]
Thanks Clarke I'll have a play with that see where i get I've got the Collins C Class Destroyer and HMS Kenya as pilotable\ AI in Fs9 so I'll keep you posted


No idea from memory, but I'll have a rummage

Found the little basket. Right under me nose in the archive here. I've always looked past it because I only saw Ark Royal and I've already got the FS9 version.