Changing fuel quantities doesn't stick


I have been messing around with the BF-109G that WARBIRDLOVER released for FS2004 and converting it to FSX and native P3D formats.

One thing I have been doing is coding the model so that the various external armaments and fuel tanks are displayed based on weights assigned to the payload stations and the external fuel tanks.
Changing the station values works fine in both sims, add weight and the weapon appears, remove weight and "poof" it is gone again.

However with the fuel tanks it works fine in FSX but in P3D if I go into Fuel and Payloads and set the tank weight to 0 it disappears from the external view. If I then go back to Fuel and Payloads the tank weight is back up to full.

I have tested this with several different aircraft and the issue is consistent (so it isn't something specific to the aircraft.cfg file on this conversion)

Has anyone else noticed this or got a method of fixing this issue?

As I recall, for an external tank you need to either set the unused fuel to zero in the aircraft.cfg file or leave some fuel (1-5 gal) in the tank. Otherwise the tank will disappear. But it rather depends how the visibility condition is set up; this is one someone gave me some years ago; I've just tested it - it works. Adding 1 gallon will get the tanks to show and it doesn't revert to 100%.

(A:FUEL TANK EXTERNAL1 QUANTITY, gallons) 1 &gt; if{ 1 } els{ 0 }

Good luck!

Thanks Dave,
Unused fuel is set to 0 in the aircraft.cfg

That is basically the same xml visibility code I use and it works in FSX.
It works in P3D as well - If I am in external view and I set the external fuel quantity to 0 the tank is no longer displayed. However as I tried to explain (obviously not clearly) if I change views then P3D will reset the external fuel quantity to 100 (in FSX the fuel quantity won't be reset if I change views).
Hmm. I've tried to emulate this effect and can't. The only thing I've found is that, if there are multiple model variants sharing the same aircraft file and one has no external tanks, loading fuel where there's no tank causes the value to revert to zero. Which seems fair enough...

Sorry I can't be more helpful

Thanks for trying Dave,
It isn't specific to the BF-109, I have seen the behaviour in multiple aircraft.
Just had a thought, I have been doing my testing in v4.5, need to redo testing in v5.3 and see what happens. Will be a while before I have time to test and report back.
If it does seem to be an issue, please report it on the P3D sim object development forum on the P3D website. I've reported a few things in V6, and one has been fixed so far, just waiting on the other.