Changing the map to an H2S?

Missing dll

Hi all iv`e downloaded LCF View by Martin Wright but my pc tells me MWGFX.dll is missing,if i download the dll where would it go.

Missing dll found

Back again,i found the dll needed but i can`t find the "landclass file",this i take is the map which i can`t find to send.
some help needed here please.
Open LCFView.
Click on "Select landcl*** file" tab
select C:\Combat Flight***whatever\terrains
The cfs3eur.lcf file is what you want.
You could use this utility by Martin Wright to get the actual landcl*** data to locate the cities on your display:
You might have to stretch or move the output file slightly to get everything to line up, but it should give you a pretty good start.

OK took the lcf to bmp and made XL

Used white/grey shades for density with built up areas 100% white and other land down to 70% white/grey. Water is black.

Colorized green and yellow. Personally think yellow works better; although I suppose one could just leave black and white/grey shades


This morning I was able to get up close with a similar radar unit used in the B-29 hoping to get a picture, but it didn't have any marking overlay at all, just a plain CRT screen.
How well does it line up with what you're actually flying over?

I have no idea! i would have to do a comparison with a regular map in daytime and also make the h2s map into a regular map to compare coordinates. (The current h2s map does not have a window for coordinates.) orher than that I made it the same XL size as the h2s map based on an XL map of map alt low.
I suspect it's pretty close though.
This morning I was able to get up close with a similar radar unit used in the B-29 hoping to get a picture, but it didn't have any marking overlay at all, just a plain CRT screen.

Maybe better to dispense with the current marking overlay then; except for the compass ring makings.
No need to drop using it. I'm sure the British H2S unit used for TOW had the turning bezel. I had just hoped the US version did as well, so I could get a close look at one, but alas no joy.
As far a registering the map I went through a bit of an alignment calibration for the version I made for MAW. The original in-game map had cities located on it as well as the many small Greek Islands. What I found was that I needed both an overall pixel shift of the whole image (left 8 and up 16), and a very small re-scaling (0.025%) to match most of those locations up across the whole region. With those adjustments if you follow the H2S screen you can fly over a feature indicated on the map, and pass over it at the same time.

The original map I was working from in MAW was not constructed from the landclass data, so I'm sure the alignment calibration needed would be different, but the process of flying over a few easily defined features in the different regions that the map covers would be the same. For TOW a check of a prominent spot on the English, Baltic, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Coasts should be enough to confirm that it's aligned and scaled correctly.
here are some files of the original lcf changed to bmp files, and then enlarged and altered for changing to an h2s map. I include an alt-low.bmp enlarged to the sane size for comparison. Note any final version has to have a merged alpha layer to make it 16bit and a smaller file size.
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As far a registering the map I went through a bit of an alignment calibration for the version I made for MAW. The original in-game map had cities located on it as well as the many small Greek Islands. What I found was that I needed both an overall pixel shift of the whole image (left 8 and up 16), and a very small re-scaling (0.025%) to match most of those locations up across the whole region. With those adjustments if you follow the H2S screen you can fly over a feature indicated on the map, and pass over it at the same time.

The original map I was working from in MAW was not constructed from the landclass data, so I'm sure the alignment calibration needed would be different, but the process of flying over a few easily defined features in the different regions that the map covers would be the same. For TOW a check of a prominent spot on the English, Baltic, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Coasts should be enough to confirm that it's aligned and scaled correctly.

My first test indicates a couple of degree minutes difference as seen below (purple clr is related to TOW night settings). Given night flying conditions, I'm not sure that will make a huge difference to actual bombing or navigation accuracy.

Day regular maps


lcf/h2s map

No need to drop using it. I'm sure the British H2S unit used for TOW had the turning bezel. I had just hoped the US version did as well, so I could get a close look at one, but alas no joy.

I removed the North facing range indicator from the overlay as
1. Unless we can rotate it there is no point.
2. Unless we have a window for the map size we also can'r use it.

I just kept the outer compass ring as that is fine.

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