Once we get into really detailed explanations (which I think are sometimes inevitable) then I can see peoples' eyes glazing over.
Me? I'd love to have one single resource that tailors what I need to do *for a DX10 + Fixer setup only* - with all the Kostas/Bojote inconsistencies etc. already worked out for me (by someone else LOL).
"I'd love to have one single resource"
Hahaha! Indeed: "Ain't gonna happen!" I like, and will promote Nick's Hardware Guide, but with all due respect to him - his DX9-oriented
FSX setup guide ("Bible") is so inflated by aggressive and harshly critical opinion that it becomes a mood-changing experience: no-one likes to be dominated by the author when looking for help; and he does this continually. Too, his use of mixed case, centered text, varying line spacing, font changes, etc., - all make for a difficult read when "sussing out" information - and neither you nor I, Adam, can be accused of being "long-winded" after a read of Nick's guide!
When "Bojote" Altuve burst on the FSX scene, his experiments caused a deep stirring of the tweaking tools that could be applied to the PC and FSX, but once the on-line "
Tweaking Tool" was released and his Avsim thread deemed complete - he has maintained a very low profile, and there has been little modification to any published docs that I have found on the various sim sites, and so much of his work has been absorbed and advanced by the community at large, and so the original "discoveries" are just a bit dated, or no longer applicable at all, and/or with documentation which corrects some of his early work. As with many of Phil Taylor's posts, the hard and software in use at the time bears little semblance to the modern state-of-the-art FSX DX10 PC.
Tweaking Guide, on the other hand, is very well written, is very current, and contains a wealth of good practical information - information based upon empirical testing, not just guesswork. Though for FSX - DX9 only - this is about the easiest read of all of the guides.
...and then there's the DX10 How-To guide...
I can see peoples' eyes glazing over.
All the Best,