The hard work of Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson in putting all this together:
ETO 1.50 aircraft update package 2014.
Below are the details of which plane sets have been updated fixing various issues, and standardising pilot views. And standardising aircraft display names in game. Contributor List at end of List.
There have also been several extra aircraft added. See below for details.
Shared textures
Replaced duplicate textures that had inconsistent images with the correct image for each texture. Example is found in several locations in game but they had different images painted in causing random changes in game and misaligned textures on aircraft when damaged.
AI aircraft
set a selection of AI aircraft to type 1 which allows them to be selected as enemy targets when flying quick combat missions.
These planes are not meant to be piloted by the player. They have ~ at the start of their name in the aircraft lists, which places them at the end of the line in each country designation.
They also have a message “AI only not be flown, select as target only” included in the description in game.
Bf109 aircraft (19 planes modified in total)
In some of the 109E aircraft there was a mix up with VC model files, this meant that you would see armor plate behind the pilots head when flying from the VC but the outside view would show the model without pilot armor. I went through and placed the correct VC model into each of the 109-E aircraft in game
some of the E-1 aircraft where using skins that were meant for E-3 aircraft which meant you had the bulges for cannon painted in under the wing on the E-1 but no actual bulges modelled into the wing.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format. This means that all the 109 types display in alphabetical order, starting with the E types and going through to the K model.
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Added in two extra aircraft: Hptn. Werner 'Vati' Molders and Oblt. Werner Lederer. Both for the May-June period 1940. (textures by John Whelan)
Spitfire (16 planes modified in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Added in historical description for each plane.
Fixed the weak rear landing gear (MkI’s), no longer breaks when landing.
Amended several textures to reflect historically correct details.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in two extra aircraft: Al Deere, 54 squadron Aug-Nov 1940 and Desmond Sheen, 72 squadron August 1940 (textures by Rob Stevenson)
Spitfire AI aircraft set.
Amended spawn settings to Y on several aircraft and ammended entered service dates.
Hurricane AI aircraft set.
Amended spawn settings to Y on several aircraft.
Defiant (3 planes modified in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Added in historical description for each plane.
Corrected damage values for nose structure (equal 100).
Amended country value for one plane to Australia.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Rear Gunner views:
1. normal view (close to gun sight)
2. wide view.
Wellington Bomber (4 planes modified in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format.
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Added in two extra aircraft: 75 squadron (RNZAF) 1941 and 311 Squadron (Czech) RAF 1940. (textures by John Whelan)
Lancaster. (20 Planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
4. fixed contact points
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Added in new weapons
Added seven extra aircraft, including a never before seen model in CFS3 a 9 Squadron RAF 1944. MkIII special – Tallboy (model by Ted Kaniuka, texture by John Whelan/Rob Stevenson)
Gloster gladiator (5 planes modified in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
4. fixed contact points
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Added in two extra aircraft:
Jagevingen, Norwegian Army Air Service. 1940. (texture by Rob Stevenson using John Whelan’s template)
247 Squadron RAF BoF period May 1940.
Bristol Beaufighters (5 planes modified in Total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Hurricanes (16 planes modified in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Added in historical description for each plane.
Fixed the contact points on several aircraft to get the plane sitting correctly on the ground.
Amended several textures to reflect historically correct details.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
He111 (3 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Fixed pylon name in weapons loadout.
W40 Fairy Battles (2 planes modified)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in historical descriptions.
New texture for British plane (Nigel Dickenson)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in description
Bristol Blenheim MkI (4 planes modified in Total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
Rear Gunner views:
1. normal view (close to gun sight)
2. wide view.
Changed the rate value to increase speed of turning rear turret.
Removed bomb aimer position from fighter versions.
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Bristol Blenheim MkIV (4 planes added in Total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
Rear Gunner views:
1. normal view (close to gun sight)
2. wide view.
Changed the rate value to increase speed of turning rear turret.
Added in historical description for each plane.
Changed entry and exit dates to match the time frame of the unit depicted by the paint scheme.
Bristol Bulldog (1 plane)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Added in one Bulldog in Republican colours Spanish Civil War 1937.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Douglas A-20G Havoc and Bostons (5 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions
Added two extra aircraft in Free French units. (smoke despencing squadrons for D-Day landings created by Led Zeppelin)
B-24-D,J,H and Liberators (10 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions.
Added in 1 extra plane (formation B24D Lemon Drop)
P51 A/B/D (13 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions
Added Flyable (Tuskegee) and AI set, one FFI
P40 (17 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
4. Mirror view.
Added in descriptions
Added Flyable (Tuskegee) and AI set (4)
Added in RAF versions 3 flyable and AI set (7)
ai planes available in missions, not QC
P47 (6 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions
Added Flyable (Tuskegee) and AI set
Added French aircraft
A26 (1 plane)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions
B25 (4 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
4. revised bomb sights
Added in descriptions.
New texture of B25H USAAF Italy 1943.
New texture of B25C 226Sqn RAF, 1944. England
New texture of B25C 226Sqn RAF, 1945. France
Updated VC texture by Aliagn95
Added 1 extra plane B25C, based out of Sicily 1943USA country
Mosquito’s (12 planes in total)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Added in descriptions.
Set country designations.
Fiat Br20 (1 plane)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
added in Italian 13 strumo Belgium 1940.
Hawk 75’s and Mohawk IV (5 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Original W40 Hawk 75 replaced with new model by Steve Seybolt.
Main Textures by Nigel Dickison, parts textures by John whelan.
Mohawk IV model by Steve Seybolt all textures by John Whelan.
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
Added in historical descriptions
Added 3 extra planes, based out of France 1940, under Free French country designation.
He-177A-3 (2 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Historical descriptions, fixed pylons, naming convention and service dates set to correct timeframe.
Ju-290A-3 & A-5 (2 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Historical descriptions, fixed pylons, naming convention and service dates set to correct timeframe.
Hellcat (2 planes)
Changed short names to “type – unit- date” format
Standardised VC views (all work with TrakIR)
1. normal view (close to windscreen)
2. instrument view
3. wide view.
Historical descriptions, fixed pylons, naming convention and service dates set to correct timeframe.
Updated textures to high res versions by John Whelan.
CFS3 ETO Expansion AIRCRAFT Update 1.50
The following people and organisations have contributed a great deal of work to the ETO 1.50 addon with regards to aircraft:
Reg’s Hanger: many aircraft models and textures.
Groundcrew Design Group: many aircraft models, and textures.
AvHistory: many aircraft models, and textures.
MAW team: many aircraft models, and textures.
Italian Wings: many aircraft models, and textures.
Is4g: many aircraft models, and textures.
Beaubrummies: Coastal Command site, aircraft models, research data.
Sky Unlimited: Use of Mustang MkI model. Thank you to Sky Unlimited for sharing one of their excellent Pay ware CFS3 models. If you like this plane, then please visit the web site and purchase the full pack.
Individual authors responsible for the aircraft, textures, flight models, models, weapons etc:
John (Bravo4) Whelan: a great many of the skins supplied, with exceptional detail. There is a huge volume of work from this man specifically for this update.
John "johno_UK" Benfield: Meteor jet fighter.
Luca Festari: aircraft models, Bf 109E-4’s, Italian Sm. 79, and others.
Alessandro Biagi: many of the textures with great detail, etc, for the Italian fighters and Bf 110’s.
Pietro Zazzetta: many of the Italian models carried over from MAW, Ba 25 biplanes.
Bill (Spitfrnd) Wilson: many of the Flight Models used by various aircraft.
Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka: PBY Catalina’s, FW189, Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito, he-177, Do217, Do219, Ju290. VC files, and others.
Greg (Seacondor) Law: Defiant.
Mathias (Mathias) Pommerien: Bf 110’s, Do 17’s, Storch, He 111, Swordfish, He115 and others.
Gregory Pierson: AvH Flight Models.
Tom Stovall: effects on some aircraft.
Giovanni (Nanni) Cignoni: effects on some aircraft.
Clive (Pat_Pattle) Morely: Spitfire Mk I VC model, new Mk I and Mk I early model spitfires, and Defiant model in conjunction with Greg Law, Bristol Bulldog.
Corrado La Posta: many aircraft models.
Richard (Winjeel) Mason: aircraft models, Mk IV Hurricanes and other source files for weapons, etc.
Anthony (gramps) Sullenger: aircraft models.
Nigel (Ndicki) Dickinson: many aircraft textures.
Jim (Jaycee) Christie: aircraft textures and weapons systems.
Jon (Dancat) Pratt: I-16 type 24 and type 28 monoplane fighter, templates for textures, FW 190 A8 fighter, and ai Fw 189 Uhu.
Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson: aircraft textures, bomb sight textures for allied bombers, weapons textures, load out enhancements, new rockets & drop tanks for 248 Squadron Mosquitoes, and aircraft standalones.
Steve (0-1 Driver) Dunn: aircraft effects and load outs.
Steve (sdsbolt) Seybolt: aircraft cockpits P39, P47, PBY catalinas.
Tomas (Wildbat) Osler: aircraft texures.
Mike Wholaver: aircraft models Bf109f-4.
Fredrik (ronnybengt) Magnusson: aircraft textures.
David (Diawilletti) xdp checks and data corrections.
Aeroplane Heaven: Allowing the rework of their He162 jet fighter.
Alain (Alain95) Dignoire: Plane repaints and VC textures.
Edgar (PRang) ???: Aircraft standalones and facilities
Greg (Seacondor) Law: aircraft models, Defiant and others.
Owen (HouseHobbit) ???: Aircraft standalones and historical data.
Kerry (Klass_O_44) Clement: Aircraft models, Malcolm Hood P51B.
Andy (Major Magee) Magee Aircraft repaints.
Barry (Foo Fighter) ???: P40 Textures for Tuskegee set.
Kasey (Grizzly50) Miller: Aircraft testing Guru
If I have left anyone out of the list above, I apologize. It is definitely not my intent to leave anyone out.