WIN 7 machine
SM 79 ETO 1.50
They look fine in my install of ETO 1.50..
Are they going to fix the prop textures on the Avenger? They look like they are right out of CFS1!
These Avengers.. ETO 1.50
Perhaps you could help and G max a new prop texture and share it with everyone..
That would be really nice.
And most welcomed I do believe.
It was just something I have noticed from before, I appreciate all the work they are doing with ETO. Besides I worked with the original "Rats" with MAW, that's enough for me! I enjoyed all the friendships I made back then, Ed, Mat, Luca, John and the rest of the original crew. Those were great times back then. But it can wear on you after a while. Everyone moves on.
This update sounds amazing. So much work by so many talented people.
How BIG will this update be? MB or GB?