CJ4 v0.8.0 upgrade
A major upgrade release.
A major upgrade release.
This update includes an enormous navigational systems overhaul, making it an excellent aircraft for a full range of IFR flight activities and procedures. We have also added a number of other great features, like a full FADEC and sound overhaul. This release is incredibly large, and is such very much a beta release.
Key Features
Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
- Custom Lateral Navigation
- RNAV capability with LPV
- Improved FMA Display
- Sound overhaul (WIP)
- PFD/MFD improvements (a lot)
- Map improvements
- Many many more...
Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
- Independent from MSFS flightplan
- Much improved procedure data, even when using the stock NavBlue data
- Modifiable approaches
- Appropriate discontinuities
- Direct-to to any fix on the plan at any time
- Correct vectors, heading-to-altitude, and intercept legs
Lateral Navigation
- Full support of all CJ4 VNAV modes including VVS, VFLC, and VPATH
- Continuous vertical path calculation
- Display of vertical path snowflake
- Display of required vertical speed donut to meet next restriction
- Display of TOD on the map
- Overhauled altitude modes including ALTS and ALTV
- Ability to add custom altitude restrictions in FMC LEGS page
- New lateral navigation over the top of existing AP
- Greatly improved bank response and turn performance
- Supports correct discontinuity behavior
- Compatibility with the new Flight Plan Manager
- Much improved ILS APPR capture success rate
- Ability to fly RNAV procedures at all times
- Correct sensitivity scaling for the enroute (2NM), terminal (1NM), and approach phases (.3NM)
- Correct PFD annunciations for navigational sensitivity
- Full LPV approach support, including correct increasing angular sensitivity as distance to threshold decreases
- Full AP support of APPR and GP modes for RNAV approaches
- Proper flat rating of engine for consistent performance at varying field elevations and temperatures
- TO and CLB throttle detents with indication on MFD N1 display
- FADEC properly targets increasing thrust curve and N1 with altitude in CLB
- Full CRZ throttle range
- Reserve fuel can now be changed
- Revised the format of the FLPN page to better match the real unit, especially for approaches
- Approach ref temp of zero can now be entered
- Light now off occurs at 12% N2
- Performance adjustments to fit climb profile using FADEC
- Complete overhaul of the PFD Flight Mode Annunciator to match the correct CJ4 mode symbology
- IAS hold will now automatically switch to Mach when the values are the same
- IAS/Mach button switch now captures current mach number
- Added ability to adjust BARO minimums and added minimums aural callout
- Added altitude capture aural alert and flashing altitude selection indicator
- Added FMC waypoint sequence alerting: waypoint ident and distance will flash 5 seconds before sequencing
- Course needles now smoothly swing to position as per the real display
- Fixed an issue where the upper panel knob also controlled menues in the MFD
New Sounds (work in progress)
- Added “NO FLIGHT PLAN” to ROSE/ARC modes when no flight plan detected
- Added “DISCONTINUITY” to ROSE/ARC modes when discontinuity is reached
- Icons updated for airports, waypoints, and intersections
- Added correct label font and sizing for map labels
- Procedures should now be drawn more accurately to how they appear in the procedure charts
- Temporary flight plans (modifying a route) now displays as a dashed white line
- Engine exterior and interior run, start, stop
- Avionics fans
- Spoiler drag, Gear drag, extend, retract
- Cockpit wind and rain
- FMS, AP panel, DCP, CCP, and soft buttons
- Aurals (Altitude Alert, Minimums, AP disconnect, Caution/Warning, Landing Gear, Pull up, Overspeed, Sink Rate, Don't Sink)
- Removed TAWS System Test (To be replaced with accurate sound)
- New camera presets (pax, lavatory etc.)