CLS Piper Arrow for FREE.

Hey thanks for the heads-up Jamie!:ernae:
The Arrow was the first fixed-wing aircraft I got to fly in back in my mis-spent youth(Okay, it was the T-tailed Arrow IV but this is close enough)
Downloaded, installed, experienced CTD every time I exited a flight. Not very impressed with the visual model anyway, I can live without this one !!
It's not bad but there are a few bugs in it; namely the tachometer going at 3500 rpm at full throttle and the fuel flow registering somewhere around 6600 gph. I've tweaked the cfg file to show it at 200hp and maximum RPM at 2700; also made a modded sound file (default c172 with default Mooney gear sounds)
According to the AvSim Review the roll rate didn't seem right and it does indeed seem sluggish but that can be fixed with reducing the roll MOI figure in the cfg file. I'll do more research before tinkering with that however.
Bottom line: Yes, it is flawed, but it is fixable. I'll probably be working on this for quite some time and that works with me.
BTW, thank you very much for the prop texture Flyboy208. Looks great! :ernae:
I flew it for a few minutes today and agree that the MOI's feel like they're a bit on the huge side, though I haven't peeked at the numbers yet. I'll run the geometry through the formulas from the SDK later tonight and post the results. But for now, I'm just finishing supper and need to do a little more homework...
I use the Carenado Piper 180 Prop texture. It's the correct color and has the correct white tips.
I changed the aileron effectiveness to aileron_effectiveness = 1.0 This makes for a nice roll rate.
I also use the Lycoming soundpack created by Gary Jones.
As promised, here's the MOI's that the Container SDK recommends (with the originals commented out at the end of each line):

empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 895.43338 //8290
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 642.99465 //6020
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 1232.28216 //11680
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0

As you can see, they were a "bit" in the heavy side. Lightening these up improved taxi handling, but made in flight it was "pitchy dawg!" I've turned up the tuning section's pitch stability to 1.5, but haven't taken her back up yet. If anyone else has any other tweaks, don't be afraid to post them here.
Here are my Shockwave mods for those also addicted to these awesome lights. If ya think the landing light is too bright, just add "_small" to the end of the effect on light.6

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 = 3, -8.55, -14.59, 1.10, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, -8.55, 14.59, 1.10, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 2, -8.55, -14.59, 1.10, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.3 = 2, -8.55, 14.59, 1.10, fx_shockwave_strobe_2
light.4 = 1, -21.70, 0.00, 6.60, fx_shockwave_beacon
light.5 = 4, -7.40, 0.00, 2.65, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.6 = 5, 0.8, 0.0, -0.2, fx_Shockwave_landing_light

Also, I've tweaked the contact points to get a more realistic "tire squash" - a highly technical term.

point.0 = 1, -1.365, 0.000, -3.15, 3000, 0, 0.433, 45.0, 0.500, 2.5, 0.65, 6.0, 6.0, 0, 0, 150
point.1 = 1, -9.064, -5.295, -3.15, 3000,1, 0.433, 0.0, 0.500, 2.5, 0.60, 6.0, 6.0, 2, 0, 150
point.2 = 1, -9.064, 5.295, -3.15, 3000, 2, 0.433, 0.0, 0.500, 2.5, 0.60, 6.0, 6.0, 3, 0, 150
I have commited the cardinal sin and adjusted the contact points as mentioned above, without making a backup of the aircraft CFG.Now the aircraft crashes when i load it, which it did'nt before i modded the CFG, so could somebody please post the original contact points please.

Regards Paul Day.
"Please disregard my last post, i got my + and - mixed up."

I reckon a six foot change might do that :isadizzy: Not to worry. I tread with much fear and trepidation every time I venture into the world of contact points -- especially when the developer uses 5 or 6 decimal places to express a value.
a little something i started... OH-PDG (ICAO24: 4627F0) a Finnish Piper Archer, almost done just the wings to do then you lot can get your mitts on her...


That is soooo pretty. Cleared off a spot on the ramp -- 'cause the doggone hanger is full and the steel for the next one is still on the road.