Club day at KRNOV


Charter Member 2011
Found at Periskop, thanks to a previous pointer from Andy.

The 1923 Avia BH-5.
Detailing is astonishing, I tend just to sit and watch the rocker arms animate...

It wasn't in my most recent list of 1,892 downloads so I assume I wasn't paying attention...

Great fun to go out and mix it with those 21st century motor gliders - they don't stand a chance!

Great find you guys, even though I'm flying the FSX version, lol. Only problem I have is with the prop blur. It has the typical prop disc blotting out the terrain and clouds. I'm going to replace the blur with one of Banana Bob's and see if that fixes it, but I believe it's going to be a "material code" problem, which can't easily be fixed.

Beyond that, I decided to suck it up and actually fly the Prague to Brussels Flight that the Avia flew in 1923. I'm not a patient person when it comes to low and slow. . . .don't have much time for that type of flying, but I'm persevering and have finished the first leg (1 of 6). The airplane is very nose heavy even if you don't fly with a full fuel load and there is no trim capability so it's a constant back stick pressure to maintain level flight. Airspeed and Ground Speed are almost exactly the same, averaging on the first leg around 80kias. I think most legs are under 100nm, so maybe I can suffer through the rest of the flights, lol.
Well that certainly amounts to an Epic Journey, I have taken to installing autopilots even on light helicopters...

Took what felt like all day, just to fly around Prague

Well that certainly amounts to an Epic Journey, I have taken to installing autopilots even on light helicopters...

Took what felt like all day, just to fly around Prague
Glad you brought up the idea of autopilots. I also installed one on the Avia, however while it will hold a heading, it will not hold altitude. Any suggestion on that?:salute:
In fairness to the aircraft and its vintage... a length of string, tied to the yoke and the seatback??
Glad you brought up the idea of autopilots. I also installed one on the Avia, however while it will hold a heading, it will not hold altitude. Any suggestion on that?

You'll need to enable the elevator trim section of the aircraft.cfg. In the [airplane_geometry] section of the aircraft.cfg file, make the following amendment:

elevator_trim_limit = 10.000

Then in the [flight_tuning] section, modify as follows:


Assuming you already enabled the autopilot (as noted below), autopilot altitude hold should be now be possible. I made similar "cheat" changes to the default FS9 Vickers Vimy, in anticipation of one day attempting to mimic Alcock & Brown's Atlantic crossing. Unfortunately my free time (and patience) have yet to meet up in equal quantites to attempt such a reenactment!


BTW, in the same vein, I'd love to know if anyone has ever managed to recreate Lindbergh's transatlantic flight, without no AP and no GPS! It definitely makes one appreciate the supreme courage and skill the aviators of yore possessed!
Thanks Mark,

These new settings make all the difference.

Both models are now a delight to fly, apart from using 'real' weather settings in Shoreham at the moment...:icon_lol:

Cheers, Stuart
Well, the files (FS9 & FSX) are at FlightSim Com too. Just trying to help.

Avia BH-5 & BH-11 for FSX, FlightSim, 31 Mb

Avia BH-5 & BH-11 for FS9, FlightSim, 33 Mb

Chuck B

Very true Chuck, but it's fun ferreting around the Periskop site, there are some real gems that can easily get overlooked on the 'mainstream' sites. The Czechs seem to have a very vibrant & creative flightsim community, and the scenery files at Periskop (for example) can give you a pretty complete & very immersive flying experience in the Czech Republic, and in Slovakia.
Ha. Went to site but couldn't read (got lost and wound up in Bulgaria (I think-hehe)). Clicked on 'View in English' but nothing happened. Did not see the Avia, or a link. So Googled it and wound up at FlightSim. Got lucky. So I figured others were going to have the same difficulty so provided links. Some folks don't have the time to run around looking. Haven't installed it yet.

Been playing with the Grumman F9F-8 Cougar(Ito's). Got it 90% 'right', but needs a little more work (flaps drag, etc). Lands at 80 kts, and goes fast (Mach 1-hehe). Need to slow it down. Made it a turbo-prop (for now to work out 'kinks') but can change it to jet with different air file. So it's still a WIP. Will finish it tomorrow. Labor Day (man we never get a day off!-ha).
Chuck B
Ha. Went to site but couldn't read (got lost and wound up in Bulgaria (I think-hehe)). Clicked on 'View in English' but nothing happened. Did not see the Avia, or a link. So Googled it and wound up at FlightSim. Got lucky. So I figured others were going to have the same difficulty so provided links. Some folks don't have the time to run around looking. Haven't installed it yet.

Do you ise Internet Explorer? For some reason the translate thing doesn't seem to work in IE; actually, I open foreign sites in Google Chrome, it hs a nifty auto translate option that is invaluable for me (I have a Czech lady friend, so need an easy way to translate any interesting weblinks she sends me - I can now read little bits of Czech, but I have a looooong way to go :icon_lol: ).

Look forward to seeing that Cougar as well; the Itosan revamp project marches on!
You'll need to enable the elevator trim section of the aircraft.cfg. In the [airplane_geometry] section of the aircraft.cfg file, make the following amendment:. . . . . . . . . .
Many thanks Mark, now onward to Brussels!!:salute:
Posted this over on the FSX side, I'll do the same here. Darkened the alpha for the windscreens and it has a much better look to it I think. Easier to spot the rwy on approach and landing.
Shots from the second leg. . . .is Czechoslovakia really this barren and flat (more or less)?
Nose Heavy Tweak

Well, went and installed the BH-5 in FS9. Came up with this to 'cure' the nose-heavy problem and threw in a change to allow braking without tiping over on nose (cheesh).

(1). (Weight_and_Balance):
reference_datum_position= 2.300, 0.000, -1.500
empty_weight_CG_position= -0.800, 0.000, -0.800
//reference_datum_position= 2.300, 0.000, -1.500
//empty_weight_CG_position= 0.200, 0.000, 0.500
//The change to 'lon' of CG from 0.200 to -0.800 will prevent tip over on nose on braking. Before ANY braking would tip it over. Now you can 'safely' use braking on landing roll, and for taxi turns, etc. Too easy.
(2). (Fuel):
Center1= -1.000, 0.000, -0.510, 18.492, 0.000
//Center1= 1.150, 0.000, 2.510, 18.492, 0.000
//This change will 'balance' airplane to where once in LEVEL flight (and 1400 rpm/75 kts) it will no longer dive. Simple Dimple Fix (if you have the 'know-how').
Those 2 changes was all that was 'required'. (There is NO need for pitch trim-or AP-c'on guys!-get real.). (Well, do I win a prize?).
Chuck B