hello hubba.
i will agree with you,
but i won't go so far as
let's just say,
i think it's a low down, dirty, rotten shame.
let's hold off on the accolades, though.
at least until we know that it worked.
if and when i write and post the procedure,
will make it a sticky.
also, i will post it at the
aac forum,
lwdesigns forum and make it available to Dave.
not to mention, i'll stash a copy.
as to your beta offer,
i guess i was being presumptuous,
i thought that was a given.
lazy flying sounds good to me,
although, to be honest,
in the past year or so,
i have only flown in the sim
for a very short time.
heck, i haven't even fired up fs9,
except to look at a196 model.
all of my controllers have been disconnected
and now, i just use a game pad
with the buttons reassigned,
mainly, just for viewing the 196.
as for that beast,
i have been hung up
dealing with minuscule bleeds
at various points in the float strut framework.

i'm just about to the point
where i'm seriously considering
saving the float file
and starting over
with the frame parts coding.