KellyB, the Virtavia download has the PBY-5 and the -5A as separate planes. The gauge .cab file is in the 5A's panel folder, just copy it to the 5 or to the FS9 Gauges folder and you'll be good to go.I just downloaded this bird from Virtavia, but it has no gauges for the panel. There is a note on Alphasim which says they have uploaded the files with the gauges, but it doesn't seem so.
Any help?
Enough ranting about colors! Here's another picture.
And yes, Scale Dail, there is also one in the set from VP-10 with black checks.
PBY-6A, coming along.......![]()
Mick, your aluminum paint shade looks real good in the screen shots.I'm about to try repainting Paul Clawson's Northrop BT-1 in FSX to get a better aluminum paint job with a nice balance of color and specular value. The new Aeroplane Heaven F3F-2 got me in the mood to mess around with the BT-1 again. Polished natural metal is easy to achieve in FSX. Aluminum paint is more difficult.