Consolidated PBY-5 and Catalina MkIb

Looks GREAT! Perfect pre war P-boat! The silver paint is beautiful! Any screenies of the -6A version? Thanks Mick and Shessi for your hard work on this classic. This is still my go to flyer for the PBY!

I just downloaded this bird from Virtavia, but it has no gauges for the panel. There is a note on Alphasim which says they have uploaded the files with the gauges, but it doesn't seem so.
Any help?
KellyB, the Virtavia download has the PBY-5 and the -5A as separate planes. The gauge .cab file is in the 5A's panel folder, just copy it to the 5 or to the FS9 Gauges folder and you'll be good to go.
Many thanks, TARPSBird. I'd never have seen that. I had only copied the 5 folder over which is why, of course, the cab file didn't make it.

My, I'm getting on.....
Mick, your aluminum paint shade looks real good in the screen shots. :encouragement: I'm about to try repainting Paul Clawson's Northrop BT-1 in FSX to get a better aluminum paint job with a nice balance of color and specular value. The new Aeroplane Heaven F3F-2 got me in the mood to mess around with the BT-1 again. Polished natural metal is easy to achieve in FSX. Aluminum paint is more difficult.
Mick, your aluminum paint shade looks real good in the screen shots. :encouragement: I'm about to try repainting Paul Clawson's Northrop BT-1 in FSX to get a better aluminum paint job with a nice balance of color and specular value. The new Aeroplane Heaven F3F-2 got me in the mood to mess around with the BT-1 again. Polished natural metal is easy to achieve in FSX. Aluminum paint is more difficult.

Ah, that AH F3F! I recall when they released the FS2002 version. They sold it with the claim that it featured authentic skins, but the skins were all wildly, laughably unauthentic. The skins made the planes look like they were made up from parts of different planes, sometimes from different squadrons, including squadrons that never flew the type. They even put it in Army colors!

I felt ripped off. I don't mind when a freeware modeler puts a plane in incorrect colors or markings - I'm happy to have the model and I'll repaint it if I feel the need to. But when a payware publisher advertises authentic skins and takes my money for the plane, I shouldn't have to paint it myself to give it the authenticity they claimed for it when they sold it to me!

I saw the screenies of the FSX version and couldn't help notice that after all the years since they released the FS2002 version, they still haven't bothered to do even the most basic research to produce authentic skins. It's not as if that would be at all difficult. As we know, the plane, the period when it was in service and the units that flew it are all extensively documented and the information is readily available to anyone interested enough to look it up.

I'm sure you'll do the plane justice with your repaints. But you shouldn't have to do the work after you've paid AH to do it.