Consolidated PBY-6A Fire fighter/water bomber & civil PBYs

PBY Tanker

Hallo Shessi, Hallo Mick,

at first thank you Shessi for the new mdl.file.
I changed in the model.cfg the line as follows
normal=Catalina PBY6A WB
is that right to do?
in the Catalina PBY6A.OUT I changed nothing
is that also right?
I added in the aircraft.cfg two external tanks
but I encounter problems with my gauges I intended to use
But I have the following proplems:
1) the waterdrop gauge from the CL-215 doesn't show all parts
2) when the airplane is on the ground as soon as I increase throttle over ca 1500 RPM the fire retardant effect appears for a short moment
3) now I try just to operate with the tailhook switch nd the smoke switch(or corresponding keys)
How can I send you the panel?
or should I just post it as WIP release to SOH?
GrrrrI try to do what I can
Just send what you have back to my email address, and we'll go from there.

Your texs have blacked rear windows, but the real one doesn't, have you rectified that or?

Waterbomber panel

Hallo Shessi,
even the panel is not 100% ready I just made zip
The zip is about 22.000 kb big.
Too big to be sended by mail
and I have always difficulties with drop box
my panel

I tried to send you via drop box the panel
as crude as it is
It still needs some work And instructions.
Also for you to know it changed a bit the fuel system in the aircraft.cfg as that one:

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)

fuel_type = 1
number_of_tank_selectors = 2
electric_pump = 1

LeftMain = 0, -15, 0, 728, 8
RightMain = 0, 15, 0, 728, 8
External1 = 0, 0.0, -1.2, 457.0, 0.0 //Rep wgt of fire retardant Ref 1
External2 = 0, 0.0, -1.2, 457.0, 0.0 //Rep wgt of fire retardant Ref 1

This panel makes me turning crazy
but there is a possibility to drop the water so that it realy drops this amount of charge and changes the weight
the tanks position are certainly not correct also their volume.
PBY Tanker gauge bug

Hi Shessi,

before shutting down and going to sleep,
I found the gauge bug
why this gauge did not show as it should,
in the aircraft cfg must be added at the contact points a waterrudder
This gauge still does not 100% work correctly. But I have found a solution to
"override the bug".
If you have received the panel I will write you some explanations how some of the systems should work
But know I m tired now. I worked all the day on this panel - I must take a sleep now
I noticed that the water drop doors don't work for me. I tried "Shift+T" as indicated in the post above, and I tried "," which is the tail hook key in my set-up, and neither of them opened the doors.

It's not a big deal for me, I can live without that feature, but I know they are intended to work.

That's because you need the tailhook section in your ac.cfg ya go!!


PBY 2D panel

Hallo Shessi, Hallo Mick,

I just uploaded to the site the panel
it is called "PBY_Tanker_2D_Panel_WIP"
it contains the texture for the tanker "FireEater",
modified aircraft.cfg, and instructions
I hope that solutions for the problems, issues can be found.
Perhaps I did an error to say before that the waterdrop doors should open with the tailhook key
perhaps they should with the water rudder function,
In any case to have the water drop gauge to show completly I had to add the water rudder in the contact point section.
Now I feel as "wipped out".
I think I will smoke another cigarette and than fly a bit my rc-helicopter

Stop Presses!

Hold on!

I just discovered that the mapping glitches that prevented me from adding the anti-glare panel to the Tanker 115 skin isn't an issue on the civilian nose!

I have successfully added the anti-glare panel and the weather radar nose to the textures.

Mark, as soon as I get through refining the shape of the anti-glare panel I'll send you the revised forward fuselages directly. That should be pretty quickly. Like minutes from now.
Mark, I sent you the new nose texture files directly, but in case you see this post before you see your e-mail, I'm also attaching them here.

The red bird now has its anti-glare panel and the weather radar radome on the tip of the nose.
May I suggest that the water bombers, Calypso and any other civilian Cats would look a bit nicer with a touch of specular gloss?

What the Shiny program calls Semi-Gloss seems to be about right.
Consolidated PBY-6A Tanker - 2d panel

Good evening friends,

please tell me about the 2d panel what still can be done.
The biggest problem is the high amount of gauges.
But it will take weeks to find another solution.
I prefer to work with gauges that have a "frame" are not "naked" as the original ALPHASIM
gauges or those from those most used from Milton Shurpe.
Also would be interesting about your meaning of the Fire eater textures
PBY Tanker

Hi Shessi,
a perhaps bad question,
but as I know nothing about fs aircraft building- - -,
would it be a big problem to change the water drop doors function from "smoke key" to "water rudder" function key?
Or perhaps you see where the bug with the appearing smoke effects is.
Hi Shessi,
a perhaps bad question,
but as I know nothing about fs aircraft building- - -,
would it be a big problem to change the water drop doors function from "smoke key" to "water rudder" function key?
Or perhaps you see where the bug with the appearing smoke effects is.


The water drop doors are opened and closed with the tail hook animation key.

The smoke key function triggers effects, not animations. It triggers the water drop effect, not the doors.
PBY Tanker water drop

Hi Mick,

my intentions are the following:
1. adding 2 External fuel tanks (water tanks) to simulate the tanker with its water on board
2. than I added the water drop gauge from the Canadair CL 215,
on the Canadair with the gauge first knob left you open the water drop door and
the drop system is activated
3. than on the Canadair you hit the switch right on this gauge you drop your water load
in this moment at the same moment it empties the External tanks
4. on my panel you will see this on the two gauges left of the engine controls
5. I did perhaps an error when I asked Shessi to make the doors operating via the
tailhook key - perhaps this gauge from the Canadairs wants the doors operating via
the water rudder function
For the moment the doors are operated via the tailhook key (T in my own config) or via
the switch as indicated at the instruction picture. Than you have to operate the water drop
via the waterdrop gauge, if you only hit " I " key and not the switch on the water drop gauge
the external tanks would not be emptied.
When flying with my configs you will start with full load and comming back with an ac with less
the wight of the water you have droped
when you have a look at the fuel payload before and after mission it works.
To be perfect perhaps the doors function should be changed.
Surely if you just want the visual effect that makes things quiet easier.
On the other side an aircraft Shessy did gave so much evolution it might be fine
also to go deeper in the systems.
As I said at the beginning my panel is a WIP and constantly it is in evolution.
For the moment I have two different fire drops.
The one I discribed and using the effects Shessi recommanded and via an added wing lights switch
I can drop red retardant, but this on has no effect on the watrtanks and is just visual.
Main problem is still the effect that when the plane is on the ground and I open the throttles over
1500 rpm the water drop effects appears making the plane taking off in a white big cloud
I still try to find out the phenomene and why it does it not on the Canadair.
Shessi I know you doesn't like the wide screen panels. but as I have also reworked the VC,
with the waterdrop gauge at the top of the radiostack on the dash you perhaps should have a look.
Yes I know it is very tiny.

First we had two sticky threads on the post-WW2 military Cats. That got pretty confusing.

Now we have one sticky thread about the military Cats, which nobody seems to be doing anything more with, and a NON-sticky thread about the water bombers that are actively being worked on. Still confusing.

I don't know who makes threads sticky or unusticky, but if whoever it is could make the active water bomber thread sticky and the apparently inactive military thread un-sticky, that would be a blessing for us old and easily confused types.



The reason is actually quite simple. The military one has been officially released and the civil one has not yet been released to the general public (or did I miss something?). The stickies are used to announce new releases, and to ensure people can't miss these new releases, simply because the announcement has slipped down the list.

Normally I release a sticky after roughly a week. But like all staff here I'm a volunteer and have a real job and a real life as well. Which is why I can not always be around. What to make a sticky and how long to keep it a sticky has been discussed among the moderators and admins several times. In general we have chosen to limit the stickies to new releases only, because we want to avoid that half the front page of a forum only contains stickies.
This is a general guideline, but not a law. So if I want to divert from this guideline I can.

I hope this clarifies things a bit,


Nice job on the Fire Eaters skin!

I think I may have to watch "Always" again some time soon!