Consolidated PBY-6A Fire fighter/water bomber & civil PBYs

PBY Tanker light commands

good morning Shessi, good morning friends,

Shessi told me that if you hit the "L" key it activates also the waterdrop system.
That is due to the waterdrop system programmation.
So please use the switches on the panel, 2D panel and also VC.
DO NOT use "L" key.
I have found several aircrafts where similar programmations exist.
As hard as it would sound; I have spend a lot of time for the panels,
2D panel and also on the VC to make all as close to the original aircraft.
If you do want to use the panels and fly the plane in every situation just as
an rc plane, I will wonder why to spend time to make panels and try to reproduce systems.
PBY Tanker light commands

Hallo again,

concerning the position / navigation lights command I searched a solution
For those who have FSUIPC, it is possible as I did to assign the function
toggle nav lights to SHIFT+CTRL+N.
Certainly it might be possible to make an entry in the FS2004.cfg, but this goes over my knowledge.
It works for all aircraft know but it is also possible to assign the function to only a specific aircraft
PBY the right map in the hands

Hallo Friends,
just a screenshot,
but now my copilot has the right map in his hands
the Bay of Lorient
Tomorrow at this time I will be there for real - at home
I'll be back in two weeks
PBY -6A Water bomber

Hallo Shessi, Hallo Mick,

back from hollydays I see that nothing new concerning
PBY water bomber.
Have you two lost interest ?
that woluld be sad, as I have two repaints that still coluld be done - for this I would need a Water bomber modell with the side blisters on the rear fuselage.
Today I do not believe to do some thing as the first thing this morning was to see my dentist who had nothing better to do than to extract me a tooth
I'm also waiting patiently, Has the tide gone out? No water left, planes gone?
Papi, that is one person I'm scared of! I sit in the dentist's chair & squeeze the arms of the chair so tightly, I get cramps in my hands.
PBY-6A Water bomber repaint

Hallo friends,

the medicaments the dentist gave me are strong enough - for the moment- to sit down and work a bit
Here is the outcome:

Hi Papi, folks,
No, certainly not, I've been on holiday as well, in good ol' there! :playful:

Just returned and getting back into things. As we left it, Papi had done a very good and easily understood manual (vielen dank!), the ac model is there, and the effects work. The only issue is that when selecting lights with L, it activates the fire retardant, which is very annoying. Papi rightly suggests that if you use the FSUIPC module then you can get around that, but that means people having to install stuff just to get it to work correctly, which I don't like to get people to do, unless completely neccessary.

So the question is 1) Leave as is as most firefighting is done during daylight hours, and just put up with the minor glitch or 2) Add the FSUIPC module in the download and have to get people to install etc to get it to work correctly ONLY when the lights are activated????


PBY tanker light switches

Hi Shessi,

I have done the panel in the way to start the engines via the dedicated rear wall panel,
If the people will follow my instructions there will be any problem as there will be no reason to use the "L" key..
Just use the switches on the panels.
I have noticed that in the last time a lot of planes published o not like to use the "L" key.
That is the problem when we go deeper in the systems as on the original FS2004 aircraft
From my side I believe that when we will have planes with a lot oif details, a lot of work done by the developers to make these
planes we should than also accept that easy commands as used before are no longer "in"
There mightbe nothe solution I realy do not like a lot - to connect the Nav lights together with the landing lights ot to use the strobe lights function.
I will have a look it it mightbe possible
PBY Tanker nav lights

Hi Shessi,

there is another solution I just tried out.
For those who prefer to use the keyboard there will be the following solution:
in the aircraft.cfg I doubled the entry for the nav lights - but coded them as strobe lights
the anchor lights are now the logo lights
in the panel.cfg I changed the anchor light swith to the logo light switch
so if one hit the "O" key the nav lights go on
The nav lights can now be switched on via the nav lights swith on the panels or via the "O" key.
If this way will be accpted I will post the changed aircraft and panel cfg's
Hallo friends,

the medicaments the dentist gave me are strong enough - for the moment- to sit down and work a bit
Here is the outcome:

Nice paint job!

Good that you're rid of that bad tooth.

Over the years I've found that dentists give the best drugs. :playful:
... Papi rightly suggests that if you use the FSUIPC module then you can get around that, but that means people having to install stuff just to get it to work correctly, which I don't like to get people to do, unless completely neccessary...

I understand your concern and tend to agree, at least in general, but maybe not so much with FSUIPC.

FSUIPC has been around for so many years, and is required for so many different kinds of add-ons, it seems to me that everyone must already have it. Or at least, everybody who's involved in the hobby enough that they download and install add-ons. It would seem to be pretty difficult to get by without it.

Just to be sure, though, you could include a copy anyway, or a link to download the appropriate version.

As for myself, I've had FSUIPC since the first version was released, but I might stick to operating the lights and water drop with the keyboard anyway, and stick with the original panel. Or not. We'll see.
PBY Light system modifications

Hi Friends,
please find in the joined zip a new panel.cfg and a new aircraft.cfg
with those modifications you can switch on the nav light with the apropriate switch on the panels
or by using the keyboard using "O" (strobe lights) key
PBY-6A water bomber red 54

Good evening friends,

the screenshot I posted here showing RED 54 Catalina is not really accurate
The real one had blisters on the side - as soon as I will have the Tanker modell with blisters I will redo it
I hope the "wrap over" of the textures of the Midsjip can be resolved on the modell with blisters
Hi all,
Over the weeks I've lost track of all the bits & pieces.
I do know this is still a work in progress, is there any way that a beta version can be released, with all the bits?
(I've actually forgotten what the base package for the water bomber is.)

Thanks, in anticipation,
PBY-6A Water bomber

Hi Robin,

the PBY-6A water bomber' s "chief engineer" is Shessi.
Until now there has been no official release.
there are just a "prototype" of one model Shessi, Mick and I work on it.
We have still some work to do
As Shessi and have been in holydays we must again dive into the project.
As one says in germany "good thing will last their time"
Nice paint job!

Good that you're rid of that bad tooth.

Over the years I've found that dentists give the best drugs. :playful:
I had to get a dental exam/cleaning when I got...ahem...released from active duty from the Corps.
That was the absolute best exam of any kind I have ever had, before or since.
The Dental Tech working on my mouth was a lovely young lady. Right about my age. Tall, blonde, very lovely. Biggest chest I've seen on a woman in the military, too.
She sat at the head of the exam chair, which was tipped back to about her chest level, and leaned over to do my cleaning. I couldn't hear a bloody thing, and couldn't have cared less. That cleaning went so darned fast, at least in my mind.
I was able to invite her water skiing with my friend and I that weekend. His boat, and skis, but he didn't know how to drive the boat, or how to water ski. I had to teach her everything, darn the bad luck. If I'd thought she looked good in her Dental Tech uniform, in her swim suit she would take your breath away...

I've never had any dental experience to match it, and I'm sure I never will, but ohhhh that one... :applause::playful: :victorious:

Have fun gang!
I had to get a dental exam/cleaning when I got...ahem...released from active duty from the Corps.
That was the absolute best exam of any kind I have ever had, before or since.
The Dental Tech working on my mouth was a lovely young lady. Right about my age. Tall, blonde, very lovely. Biggest chest I've seen on a woman in the military, too.
She sat at the head of the exam chair, which was tipped back to about her chest level, and leaned over to do my cleaning. I couldn't hear a bloody thing, and couldn't have cared less. That cleaning went so darned fast, at least in my mind.
I was able to invite her water skiing with my friend and I that weekend. His boat, and skis, but he didn't know how to drive the boat, or how to water ski. I had to teach her everything, darn the bad luck. If I'd thought she looked good in her Dental Tech uniform, in her swim suit she would take your breath away...

I've never had any dental experience to match it, and I'm sure I never will, but ohhhh that one... :applause::playful: :victorious:

Have fun gang!

Pat, ya outta write a book! Could be a "Best Seller"!:ernaehrung004:
medical experiances

Hallo Friends,

as some of you know I m a retired from german navy,
at last I have been transfered to the german medical corps,
later I sailed on traditional sailing boats (long live the gaff rigg)
So you can estimate I have a lot of storries to tell.
But at first I estimate here would not be the place for doing so,
than I prefer to be "politicly correct" LOL
So let us come back to the topic here
Shessi what do you think about the flight dynamics of the bird?
I feel her a bit "too easy" and not enough heavy at the controls
Perhaps some adjustment to try?