Consolidated PBY-6A Fire fighter/water bomber & civil PBYs

Hi Papi,
Now back to the PBY. I really like your panels and doing things manually. Very immersive!!

I think you have cracked it!! In that the lights can be turned on/off via the rear panel, which stops the activation of the water drop and no 'rain cloud' when you take off..ha ha!!

The operations manual is very good and clear. Great work mein kamerad! :applause:

I have made her a bit heavier to handle, as you suggested and it feels better.

I will send you a copy and my testers to see if we are about there with it...and then.......


PBY-6A HEMET Valley Flying Service Red 54

Hallo Shessi,

thank you for your kind words.
It should not fall under the table that the panel.bmp is based on a picture Gaucho-59 once did
here now red 54 as she should be apart the front turret,
So from my side we can have the textures for Fire Eater,
RED 54, and I will try to make a third one as soon I ve the time for her.
I have now also a complete white one, a complete silver one and one with just the yellow green primer color also,
Perhaps interesting for repainters
And now hop hop ins Bett !
Looking great... I wonder what the next project will be. a turbo prop version?
Ever seen a tri-motor turbo dak?
Next project

I do not know what Shessi plans as next,
From my side what I wish is certainly impossible as it would need a total rework of the aircraft:
the Dornier Do-24 T. It was the last evolution of the Do-24 as an amphibian and equiped with 3
turboprop engines. She was so equiped with a retractable tricycle landing gear and featured a complete new redesigned
wing also the cockpit shape was changed to make it a bit higher-
She is still flying today.
I saw that some one seemed to make one for FSX (grrr) but the project seems to have disapperaed.
But the changes that must be done seem for me too radical that it might be possible to do.
Another plane which would be interesting for me would be the Junkers Ju-86. Their exists one but she needs a total "overhaul"
A lot of variants, military as civil might be possible to do.
But I do not know how to make aircraft nore I have the tools for such a task
PBY-6A Waterbomber

Hallo Friends,

this would be the last of the -6A water bomber repaints I think.
Perhaps some other more talented friends than I am will do others also
I had to get a dental exam/cleaning when I got...ahem...released from active duty from the Corps.
That was the absolute best exam of any kind I have ever had, before or since.
The Dental Tech working on my mouth was a lovely young lady. Right about my age. Tall, blonde, very lovely. Biggest chest I've seen on a woman in the military, too.
She sat at the head of the exam chair, which was tipped back to about her chest level, and leaned over to do my cleaning. I couldn't hear a bloody thing, and couldn't have cared less. That cleaning went so darned fast, at least in my mind.
I was able to invite her water skiing with my friend and I that weekend. His boat, and skis, but he didn't know how to drive the boat, or how to water ski. I had to teach her everything, darn the bad luck. If I'd thought she looked good in her Dental Tech uniform, in her swim suit she would take your breath away...

I've never had any dental experience to match it, and I'm sure I never will, but ohhhh that one... :applause::playful: :victorious:

Have fun gang!

On a strictly professional level - my spouse would appreciate your comments, as a career Dental Hygienist (civilian) who worked for the Navy at one time and administered cleanings to USN and USMC personnel. Smoothest dental hygienist you ever had work on your teeth, you hardly knew you were being cleaned. I decided the treatment was so good the first time I had her clean my teeth I decided to put her permanently in my employ and she has been so for 29 years.
PBY-6A Water Bomber 2D panel

Good evening friends,
as my screen resolution for my pc is normally 1440X900
I do my 2D panels in the same resolution
Some friends use "not wide screen" monitors,
for them I have begun to make also a 1024X768 resolution 2D panel.
The first steps semm not as difficult as I thought at first.
A part of the right cockpit side had to be cut (what brings it nearly back to
Gaucho_59 bmp).
Any problem for the gauges, as only the copilot gauges arecut away.
The rear cockpit wall panel also was not a problem.
What I still must do is the panel with the steering device and the water drop system.
With a bit luck it can be done on sunday evening
PBY-6A waterbomber textures

Good evening Shessi,
my textures seem to be ready-
BUT I need the modell with the side blisters to verify if all is allright or if I must still make adjustments.
Than if all "glues together" I will send you the textures and the 1024x768 alternative 2D panel
PBY-6A WB airfile

Hallo Shessi,
looking at the airfile I found some thing strange:
entry 328 *Is Taildragger= True
? she has a tricycle gear so why is the "true"?
At my opinion the is a mistake
or do you know the reason for that?
Hallo Shessi,
looking at the airfile I found some thing strange:
entry 328 *Is Taildragger= True
? she has a tricycle gear so why is the "true"?
At my opinion the is a mistake
or do you know the reason for that?
According to the information in AirEd, that entry is for CFS, and not used in FS9 or later.'

You could try either changing it to False and see if it has any effect, or even just delete the entry entirely.

As long as you make a back-up before you make any changes to it, you can always restore the .air file to it's "Pristine", or original state, if a change you make has an adverse effect.

Give it a try!
*.air file

Hi Pat,
thank you for your answer,
Is there a rule of which entries for FS9 are realy important
as for example some engine entries?
Hi Pat,
thank you for your answer,
Is there a rule of which entries for FS9 are realy important
as for example some engine entries?
Well, there's 3 ways to tell about any particular entry. About which sim(s) it's valid for.
1) If you use AirEd, rclick on the entry of interest, and click INFO on the menu that pops up. If it's not valid any longer for FS9 and up, let's say, it will say that. MAYBE.
2) If you're using AAM v2.2, LClick on the entry of interest, and look in the small information box on the upper right corner. Again, it may or may not tell you what it's valid for.
3) Look in Yves amazing little book about .air files, Flight Dynamics in MSFS V1.0.pdf . It's available on the FSDeveloper forums, or just Google Yves Guillaume. Or Google the PDF name. It's not hard to find, really. It is, IMO, THE definitive information about .air files. It tells you what entries are valid in what sim.

Bear in mind, if there's an entry in both the .air file AND the plane's aircraft.cfg, the one in the aircraft.cfg takes precedence. Like the Aircraft Empty Weight entry. It's in both. But only the one in the aircraft.cfg is used by the sim. The one in the .air file is ignored.

By the bye, the several 1500 entries in the .air file are still utilized by the sim to define the engine's functions.
Hope this helps some...
Consolidated PBY-6A Fire fighter/water bomber RED 54

Hallo friends,

as you see HEMET VALLY Fying Service RED 54 is also ready
Here in a drop run over corsica
*.air files

Hi Pat,

thank you for your advices.
I downloaded the pdf - now I will try to learn about LOL
Thanks again
Hello, Papi :)
Glad I could be of a little help.

The PDF seems a lot more convoluted than it really is. Just bear in mind that most .air file entries interact with a lot of other .air file entries. Most especially the 1500 series (engines) entries. Yves does a good job of explaining what interacts with what.
The really hard part is the math. But as long as you remember your High School Algebra II, you're in good shape.

Good luck!