Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter/water bomber uploaded



Every time I see a "civilian" Catalina, this always comes to mind...:costumed-smiley-034

Bravo! Outstanding!

It's been a frantic few days so I just now got a chance to check out the new release. I love it!

Mark, did you enhance my Tanker 115 skin? It seems to look better that I remember from when I painted it.

Papi, your Tanker 84 skin looks great!

If I may pick one little nit... The water drop effects look red like borate slurry, not white like water. The Catalina was a water bomber that filled its tanks with water while skimming lake surfaces, like in that famous opening scene in "Always," not from borate trucks at the airport. I would be very surprised if any Catalina tankers had tanks built or treated to resist the corrosive effects of slurry. (But maybe someone can surprise me with a photo of a Catalina dropping red slurry.) A switch to a water drop effect in the aircraft.cfg file would be simple and quick. Anyone who's interested in fire bombers must have a water drop effect in their Effects folder.

Despite that tiny little nit, I am very happy with this plane! :adoration:

Kudos to Shessi and Papi !!!

PBY-6A Water Bomber

Hi Mick,

when I did choose the drop effects I based myself on documents of the french Protection Civile
They used PBY-5A and later also 6A with modifications partially by their own.
When the planes where on standby on their base they where filled from a land pump station.
The tried to use at the last times borate but had as you mentionned it problems with corrosion effects.
So on alert the started filled from land base and than on further drop tours than they scoped from sea
The frenchies hoped that starting with a water borate mixture (it was not exactly borate but some thing similar)
they could drop at a first moment and quickly a retardant and than when scoping and droping fresh water this will at the same time wash out the tanks - Experiance showed that things did not be as well.
I will look to find some other effect that will be water only.
As soon as I come back this evening from work I will sit on my desk and work on it to find pure water drop effect
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter waterdrop fix

Hallo Friends,

as Mick remarked that he thinks that the water drop effect with "pure" water will be
more realistic for the Catalina I posted a fix.
Now you will have "pure" white water to drop if you want to change it.
More textures as for Fire Eater, Hemet Valley Red 54 and some little others for the model with side blisters
are in preparation.
Michael "Papi" Vader
Hi Mick,
when I did choose the drop effects I based myself on documents of the french Protection Civile
They used PBY-5A and later also 6A with modifications partially by their own...

I was wondering about that. I knew that water bombers scooped from lakes, and I wondered if they had another way to fill their tanks so they could load up at the airport for the first drop of the day. Clearly the French planes had a way, but I wonder if that was one of their own mods, so I still wonder if US and Canadian planes had that ability.

I also wonder if I've used the terminology correctly. I'm not sure if borate and slurry are the same thing, or if maybe slurry is borate mixed with water. Maybe someone who knows more about fire bombing can answer these questions.
water dropping

Hi Mick,

as soon I find a bit time I will return to my french sources and search for more precise explanations.
Would be hard than to translate and errors might be possible.
As I said before a pure water drop fix will be on the downloads, I posted it this night.
In fs fire fighting is §$%&# job! as soon as you are close to the fire you see nothing and you must make a blind drop.
on the screenie you will see what I did hmmmm needs realy some more experiance LOL

I didn't mean to send you on a research mission! My questions were just idle curiosity. Please don't put a lot of time into it!

I would think that anyone who has a fire bomber or two in their hangar must have a water drop effect that they could put into their aircraft.cfg file in place of the red borate slurry. What about the effect "fx_waterbomber" thta's already in the package and the aircraft.cfg file? I haven't had time to check it out, but isn't that white?

I haven't had a chance to fly the water bomber, but I wonder... Could it be that effect named "fx_firemask" that's causing the fire to disappear too soon? My guess, based on the file name, is that this effect is supposed to suppress the fire when you drop on it, but maybe it's kicking in too soon, when you get close but before you drop???
waterdrop effect

Hi Mick,
LOL don' t worry about "research mission"
Shessi had put a lot of work in the Cats so I believe that my little
contribuation should be as accurate as possible.
I looked on other fire fighters/bombers, most use the borate slurry.
Perhaps because it looks nice LOL
I tried out the california fire scenery. To extinguish just one fire I had
to make two or three attacks until all is covered,
I must say that I did fly my attacks at 200 to 300 feet over ground as same as the pilots from
Securite Civile does with their Canadairs.
I would like to read what other pilots think about.
Perhaps we have real experts amoung us?
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter/water bomber in FSX

wonder if all the gauges, especially the waterdrop system operates as it is descripted in the manual
when used in FSX
PBY-6A of french PROTECTION CIVILE Pelican vert

Hi Friends,

things continue to progress,
here now from the french PROTECTION CIVILE one of their two PBY-6A' s, Pelican Vert
I see that there's a model with the cargo nose and waist blisters. Do you need a Cousteau Calypso skin for it? If so, I have one already made. (I think Papi does too, and they're probably identical.)

There is an small mapping issue that I noticed when the Calypso skin is worn by the earlier model with the cargo nose and no waist blisters. The cover over the bombardier's window, left over from the military Cats, takes its color from somewhere on the fuselage sides on the texture, and it doesn't take it from the same spot on both sides. It's not a glaring error and probably not worth a major effort to fix, but if the fix isn't too much trouble it would be nice.

I've been frantically busy and haven't had time to see if this effects any other skins.
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter mapping issue

Hi Mick,

the mapping issue is some where on the left body front
if we take Cousteau's Cat logicaly it is in the black painted area.
I made a simple test in making this area yellow and the problem did disapear.
So for me I will look all the PBY textures if I find an indication where the bug might be.
I hope to find it.
Also I believe Shessi could tell us something about as it might be visible at the mdl model or the model
without the skin.
I got the model file with blisters from Shessi.
I still wait from him an answer if he wants to publish it from his own or if I should do it with my repaints.
As model with blisters I have ready to start: Fire Eater, Pelican vert, Red 54, Orange factory fresh, Silver factory fresh,
white factory frech, and yellow/green primer painted, french SLPAC and the Calypso (if you want to publish Calypso, no problem for me to leave it at yours)
Hi Gents,
Just got back from m/cycling with some friends in Eire and it DIDN'T rain in Eire!!!! Even the Irish couldn't believe it...ha ha!!

I will get up to speed with things over the next couple of days.

