...the mapping issue is some where on the left body front...
Hp Papi,
You fixed my screenshot! Now can you fix my model?

The issue is that the left and right side of the "nose shutters," as AlphaSims calls the shutters over the bombardier's window, is that the right and left sides of the nose shutters draw their color from different places on the fuselage front textures. That's why one side shows up yellow and the other black.
I did some experimentation and found that in order to avoid the small discrepancy on the nose shutters, you would have to introduce a much larger discrepancy on one of the fuselage sides. If you've already started to experiment, you know why I stopped. It's not possible to fix the nose shutters without ruining one side of the forward fuselage.
It's not a big anomaly. My thinking is that it would be nice to fix the mapping of that's a simple, easy job, but not if it would require a lot of work. The same discrepancy exists on the same skin for the old -5A model and as far as we know, nobody ever noticed, and that skin has been around for years.