Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter/water bomber uploaded

...the mapping issue is some where on the left body front...

Hp Papi,

You fixed my screenshot! Now can you fix my model? :adoration:

The issue is that the left and right side of the "nose shutters," as AlphaSims calls the shutters over the bombardier's window, is that the right and left sides of the nose shutters draw their color from different places on the fuselage front textures. That's why one side shows up yellow and the other black.

I did some experimentation and found that in order to avoid the small discrepancy on the nose shutters, you would have to introduce a much larger discrepancy on one of the fuselage sides. If you've already started to experiment, you know why I stopped. It's not possible to fix the nose shutters without ruining one side of the forward fuselage.

It's not a big anomaly. My thinking is that it would be nice to fix the mapping of that's a simple, easy job, but not if it would require a lot of work. The same discrepancy exists on the same skin for the old -5A model and as far as we know, nobody ever noticed, and that skin has been around for years.
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fightertexture mapping

Hi Mick,
with fsrepainter things are quiet easier and faster.
I did as you some experimentations - and had as you no solution
I agree completely with you - let us live with that little bug.
As Shessi is back on the scene we will see what he says concerning the blister models.
before I got the blister model I adjusted the Calsyps paint on the normal military version.
Later when I had the blister midel there was just to transfer the textures and all "glued" together.
If Shessi agrees I will send you the model.
Hi Mick,
with fsrepainter things are quiet easier and faster.
I did as you some experimentations - and had as you no solution
I agree completely with you - let us live with that little bug.
As Shessi is back on the scene we will see what he says concerning the blister models.
before I got the blister model I adjusted the Calsyps paint on the normal military version.
Later when I had the blister model there was just to transfer the textures and all "glued" together.
If Shessi agrees I will send you the model.

Hi Papi,

I did the same conversion as you did for the Calyoso textures, but yours may be more up to date with the latest version of the civilian model, so I think yours should go into the release. I'll leave mine alone now.

I'd be happy to have a model with the waist blisters but I'm happy to wait for the final version of it, and I have no more skins on my to-do list, so I don't need it at this time.
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Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter blister models

Hi Mick,

at the moment I just wait for Shessies answer,
for the model with out the blisters I have two repaints, factory fresh silver, factory fresh orange
for the model with blisters I have five repaints among them Fire Eater from the film "ALWAYS" and RED54
from HEMET VALLEY Flying Service.
Even they are not water bombers I will include Cousteau's Calypso PBY (as you agree Mick) and the french SLPAC PBY.
I will do so as the model with blister is correct for them.
And for the friends who use wide screen monitors there will be the 1044X900 2D panel.
From my side I just had to put all together and write the read me (that is what I realy do not like LOL)
and than post it.
I do not know if Shessi would agree or make some other evolutions.
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fightersome of mine Cats

Good evening friends,
the picture is not very clear
it is just an attempt to show some of the civil PBY-6A' s
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter/water bomber uploaded 133 h

Hallo Shessi, hallo Mick,

as I see the things right 133 downloads.
Wonder how much will make the enhancement with the model with blisters and the new textures when we release it.
Shessi what do you think about to release them also to, avsim and simviation to make the ship avaible
to a larger public?
You did a such fine evolution of the ship, it will merit to be known by a larger public.
Hallo Shessi, hallo Mick,

as I see the things right 133 downloads.
Wonder how much will make the enhancement with the model with blisters and the new textures when we release it.
Shessi what do you think about to release them also to, avsim and simviation to make the ship avaible
to a larger public?
You did a such fine evolution of the ship, it will merit to be known by a larger public.

Well, I don't want my full name on anything that goes to Simviation, lest it appear that I somehow endorse that site. But a look at the ReadMe file shows just my first name in the credits, so that will do.

I haven't put anything on AvSim of FlightSim in years, except that David's new Cessna Airmaster went to FlightSim by his choice. Nels has always treated me right so I have no reservations about his site. I can't say the same for AvSIm, but that was a long time ago so I guess I'm OK with that too.

I generally post here exclusively because the modelers and painters who share their work with me virtually all visit here, and see what's posted here, and can take a copy of my releases if they're interested. I couldn't care less about sharing with the non-contributing masses, but I don't object to it.
Consolidated PBY-6A fire fighter/water bomber publications

Hi Mick,
your opinion and wishes will be surely respected.
In any case the decision belongs to Shessi what we will do.
I just want to make accessible to interested fans my little contributions.
I do not run behind the phantom to have as most as possible "likes or friends"
I do not have facebook or social media connextions.
If we make nice scores he it is just fine.
Concerning, I agree to say that Nels Anderson is allwys correct, es he is.
So no problem from my side.
We do not sell, we share. And to do things with friends, that is the important thing
Jawohl LOL
As waiting for - - -

Hi Friends
as I still wait for Shessies decision concerning the models with blisters for the
PBY-6A waterbomber, I had a further look on the older sister PBY-5A
702 from Buffalo Airways at the meeting at Biscarosse (it is allowed to dream)
tilt game over?

Hallo Shessi,
did I say some thing wrong or did I something wrong?
Or do I ask too much?
As I didn't get answers how to continue and also here nothing new
I wonder what happens.
Hi Papi,
No, absolutely no probs so don't worry, unfortunately life comes into it sometimes...;)

I'll email you.

