Correct panel for RFN F-8 Crusader v1.4 repaint question


Charter Member
I love the VFP-63 1980 repaint of the RFN Crusader by Frank Safranek! But when I add it to v1.4, it doesn't show up in the available aircraft. Looking at the aircraft.cfg file for this texture, this only thing that looks wrong is the line "panel=US" but there is no "US" panel in the zip. I tried switching to all the other panels and the repaint shows up, but, there is a black hole in the panel as if a gauge was missing. Can anyone help with this panel fix?
Actually, there should be a panel named "panel=US" inside the aircraft package.
Try the attached one if it solve your issue...


    485.8 KB · Views: 3
No, the black hole is still there. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the plane being v1.4 and the repaint made for v1.2?
I suspect that the attached panel.US has been extracted from a version before v1.4 (like v1.2 maybe). BUT if you look in the v1.4 download, you should find a folder called panel.J. Perhaps this would work properly if you changed the reference in your aircraft.cfg file . . .
I copied and pasted the files,,, from the texture.VF211 folder to the texture.VFP-63_1980 and now I get a UHF Preset Channel gauge! Yay! I think I fixed it!