I just bought mine, but haven't had a chance to test yet. As far as I know, it's only on the Orbx app, and it's listed under COWS in the first column. There's also a link on the bottom of the product page to download the official paint kit.
From the official forum activity, the dev's are aware of the issue. Not sure of any patch release date though...
That's completely up to the dev. Personally, I don't need it. With the P2006t addon, you have to go around and remove chocks, hand-turn the props to get oil up, and check the control surfaces. Lucky for me, there's an option in the tablet to bypass all of that. Beyond that and the cargo loading, I don't use the tablet for anything else. My biggest gripe is that the copilot isn't visible from inside the cockpit. The hidden click spot in the DA62X addon from Tommy got me spoiled to that feature!Maybe this will come with the FS2024 version update ?
Hey guys. V1.1.1 is out.
The plane completely redone with new engine and flight model, visuals, G1000 checklist, custom engine page failures and more