
There were a number of the twin seat night fighter versions produced for testing at Reslin. The final aircraft would have been powered by the more powerful -E version of the engine and certainly would have had no trouble with the Mossie as far as speed is concerned. Whether or not it could have picked it up via it's radar is another question.

The effects of "climate change" have lead to the lowest water levels in recorded history of all the major rivers in Germany. As my parents just told my today during our weekly call it is basically possible to walk in the bed of the Rhine for long stretches and cargo ship traffic is reduced to half loads and a narrow main channel in most.

The police force all over the country has been scouring the exposed river beds for all sorts weaponry. WWI and WWII bombs and guns, some of which quite likely disposed of by those who were fighting to the end and then realized it is not a smart idea to be caught with a gun and also guns discarded by more modern day criminals.
CSI will have a busy few month I suspect. :icon_lol:

I would not want to go near any of that stuff. Just does not seem like a very good idea to me:kilroy:

Stuttgart and my Hometown of Heilbronn/Neckarsulm both were among the more heavily hit targets for both the British and the American bombers. The US being quite a bit more discretionary in their bombing than the Brits. The nonindustrial parts of Heilbronn were spared to some extent.

One memorable act along those lines being Rothenburg not too far away from Heilbronn. Apparently one of the commanding officers in the USAAF had studied at the university there before the war and was familiar with the cities completely intact wall and fortifications going back to medieval times.
With no military targets in the city he drew a circle around it on a map and made sure it would remain off-limits throughout.
I have seen the map on one of my visits to the town given to the city a few years after the war by the family of that officer.


BTW I see someone got into the water somewhere in Germany (Stuttgart?) today and defuzed a WWII British 4,000-lb cookie lying in a river bed. ...


it actually wa Koblenz, and the river was the Rhine. All was well, but 43,000 inhabitants were evacuated for the duration of the disarming. Just another way to spend your sunday morning.

Best regards,
Has anybody else encountered lighting issues on the wonderful Do-335?
These are my alternative, quite weird, temporary coordinates...

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -21.34, -22.51, 0.45, fx_shockwave_navred ,
light.1 = 3, -21.34, 22.51, 0.45, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.2 = 3, -40.90, 0.00, 8.16, fx_shockwave_navwhi ,
light.3 = 1, -41.73, 0.00, 8.19, fx_shockwave_beacon_rotating_red ,
light.4 = 1, -41.73, 0.00, -4.95, fx_shockwave_beacon_rotating_red ,
light.5 = 4, -15.52, 0.24, 2.23, fx_shockwave_vclight ,
light.6 = 5, -17.71, -13.66, -0.23, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_old ,
light.7 = 5, -17.56, -14.21, -0.20, fx_landing ,
light.8 = 2, -41.83, 0.00, 1.16, fx_smoke_ys11 ,//or any other desired smoke fx

These are just my personal SW settings, but they should give a rough idea.

