
Pat Pattle

In its day it was faster than a Spitfire and with 4 Hispano 20mm cannon in the nose it was the most heaviest armed fighter in the world.
It earned the nickname 'the Crikey'.

Conversion of Kazunori Ito's FS2004 model. I have been unable to contact him ref permissions and his readme is pretty strict on conditions so without wishing to upset anyone I don't know if it'll make release, but I just had to have one!
I suppose long term I could build one from scratch unless there's any others lurking about out there?

Westland Whirlwind mk1
Yeah, I played around with that one a bit but he strongly worded copyright scared me off too :running:
You got a screenie of the cockpit?

Yer tis Joost. Needs a fair bit of work but the basics are there and the gauges will all be standard RAF types. I don't know why he's painted it blue though, afaik all RAF service a/c were green on the insides.

Plan B

I've found this model by J R Lucariny which has no copyright restrictions so I think I'll forget the Ito one and go with this instead.
There's no VC so will have to make that from scratch. It'll take a bit longer but at least my conscience will be clear! :)

LOL - I take it you're not a member of 'the world's biggest social community'?? :icon_lol:
The first one (Ito's) looks a bit more refined (thanks for the cockpit screenie!) but what do I know? Regardless of the choice you make, it 'll be another fine piece of aviation hardware to add to the catalogue!
Marvellous project! I hope something comes of it - with a bit more care during the design stage, this aircraft could have been a huge success!