Because of other commitments, lack of interest etc.

my work on this has stopped BUT one of our much more talented modellers is going to be making a brand new one! Can't say when or who at the moment but going on his previous work it will be a masterpiece
Thank you very much for that welcome bit of news, and I am absolutely overjoyed to hear that! Flying "rhubarbs" over Calais is bound to be a lot more fun in a "Crikey" than in a Hurry or a Spit. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not implying that the Hurry and Spit are in any way, shape or form, "lacking in thrills"; quite the contrary, in fact, I have a deep and abiding love for the Hurry, and I happen to think she's a first-rate kite, albeit somewhat under-appreciated and/or overshadowed by "the plane that saved Britain."
That said, though, I can only imagine what four Hispano-Suiza 404's, all concentrated in the nose, will do to enemy columns, trains, rail yards and airfields!
Also, from all of my extensive (okay, more like "obsessive") reading on the subject, the "Crikey" can
more than hold its own against the bf 109, provided you keep the scrap below 15,000 feet, so I'm eagerly looking forward to mixing it up with some "yellow-nosed bastards" over Western France and the Channel at the earliest opportunity.
Once again, thanks
very much for the welcome news, and I'll be eagerly awaiting word of when the CFS3-compatible Whirlybird is ready to download!