Crw-1 Rata is completed.

Whats with the Bumper Cars.......?

Oh what the hell, I'm in. :bump::bump::bump:
Have pity on the poor guy:icon_lol:

I just got the news that he's happy ( probably very exhausted) and

:applause::applause:HAS A NEW BABY BOY:ernae::ernae:

Not that one should ever let real-life interfere with flight sim stuff, but...

So consider this a

Congratulations Tom and family!!!!

Have pity on the poor guy:icon_lol:

I just got the news that he's happy ( probably very exhausted) and

:applause::applause:HAS A NEW BABY BOY:ernae:

Not that one should ever let real-life interfere with flight sim stuff, but...

So consider this a

Congratulations Tom and family!!!!

Ditto, and a friendly :bump::bump:

I'm curious to know if the newborne has a name. Hope its not RATA!! :wiggle:

Hmmmm, so that design went direct from Beta Testing to the real thing, eh, lol, lol. . .Congrats to Tom and the "Family".
I just talked to Tom... has he EVER got "new daddy syndrome":crybaby:. Sounded like he'd just dragged the Titanic home at the end of a chain:sleep:. Good news is that he's found his computer and his eyes are slowly stopping the rolling. Apologies to those who've struggled with the wait but you haven't been forgotten.

I won't use the "S" word but it shouldn't be long now.

I just talked to Tom... has he EVER got "new daddy syndrome":crybaby:. Sounded like he'd just dragged the Titanic home at the end of a chain:sleep:. Good news is that he's found his computer and his eyes are slowly stopping the rolling. Apologies to those who've struggled with the wait but you haven't been forgotten.

I won't use the "S" word but it shouldn't be long now.

Good to hear. If you talk to him again before the weekend, tell him we all wish him a Happy Father's Day. :guinness:

Hey guys Im really sorry for this , i just got a little over whelmed with the arrival of Ammon and then when i took in my comp for a service the hd droped and lost 4 liveries and the 2d panel, Luckily the rest was safe and sound....whew!! So please give me 4 weeks and I will for sure have it ready for you. I want to get it to you as badly as you want to get it believe me.

So I will get to you as many liveries as possible and a very good paint kit cause i want you guys to basically paint it in all the ways you want and I dont wantto steal all your fun.

So just hang in there with me guys , im just kinda buried a little bit at the moment and II have put your little rata at the front of my design projects as of now , all others are put aside till i can get it to you.

Thanks Guys!!


CR-1 Software Ltd.
To be honest, as much as we'd love to have it "right this minute", I think you've got much more important work there at home. It's first things first and the newborn is a lot more important.

We can wait!