Curtiss C-46 Beta Test Available

Mr. Tom, I do believe y'all have a winner here.:salute: This is one "stately bird" -- especially during the agonizing take-off roll. All I could think of during this protracted adventure was from my ancient childhood days and "I think I can, I think I can,..."

Here is my version of Shockwave lights for this elegant lady. Looks like these fit all 3 versions

Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing =light type,
longitudinal, lateral , height, effects file name
light.0 = 3, -5.187, -51.085, 3.881, fx_shockwave_navred,
light.1 = 3, -5.187, 51.085, 3.881, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.2 = 3, -50.760, 0.0, 4.271, fx_shockwave_navwhi,
light.3 = 1, -44.974, 0.00, 20.261, fx_shockwave_beacon ,
light.4 = 1, -44.974, 0.00, 20.261, fx_shockwave_beacon ,
light.5 = 4, 18, -1.0, 2.731, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.6 = 4, 7.985, 0.0, 2.431, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.7 = 4, 1.102, 0.0, 2.431, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.8 = 4, -5.932, 0.0, 2.431, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
light.9 = 4, -12.869, 0.0, 2.431, fx_shockwave_vclight,,
// exhaust flame effects
light.10 = 7, 6.60, -9.8, -2.7, 404_LP_Flame ; engine 1
light.11 = 7, 6.60, 15.1, -2.7, 404_LP_Flame ; engine 2
light.12 = 9, 6.60, -9.8, -2.7, 404_IP_Flame ; engine 1
light.13 = 9, 6.60, 15.1, -2.7, 404_IP_Flame ; engine 2
light.14 = 2, -5.197, 51.085, 3.881, fx_shockwave_strobe ,
light.15 = 2, -5.197, -51.085, 3.881, fx_shockwave_strobe_2,,
//light.16 = 2, -50.760, 0.00, 4.281, fx_strobeh ,
light.16 = 5, 0.7, -29.8, -0.2, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail,
light.17 = 5, 0.7, 29.8, -0.2, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail,
light.18 = 6, 26.0, 0.0, 3.0, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down,

Also a bit of smoke and mirrors added to the effects section:
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1

And finally I added the SOH "slow prop" thingy from the A-26 to the panel under VC1

gaugeXX=A26_engine_start!engine_start, 2,2,2,2 //Slow Prop Spin-up
note: gauge # varies for each bird. The effect is awesome -- IMHO
I've put the copilot to work and added the altitude call out gauge to the VC. Even if he can't fly worth a darn, he can at least read an altimeter and let me know how high we are above ground level......

gaugexx=fpda_boeing_callout, 10,100,10

Took the C-46 around the pattern a few times and did some touch n goes. It's a keeper. Now to personalize the panel....
No problem re: the prop pitch lever - been there, done that. Just wasted an hour or so trying to change an Aerocondor texture that was located in the GA C46 folder (it's just left over from version 1 - the right one is in the GA C46 SA folder). "Why aren't you changing!"

And Nikko discovered the C46 vs C-46 thing too - will be fixed in the next version.

C-46A-55-CK (43-47135) ... FINAL FLIGHT

View attachment 34395A tribute to my Dad and C-46A-55-CK (43-47135)View attachment 34393 on their last flight together ... just another flight from Chabua to Kunming. Shown here at 18,000 feet heading for the Paoshan beacon at about 160 mph.View attachment 34394
Thanks, Tom, for a really first rate update. You made my day!
Thanks all,

If you are missing the airspeed indicator in the military panel, a replacement gauge has been posted to my forum's thread (see first post above). Many of you probably already have it since it is a Spitfire gauge. :)

I think it is a default FS2004 gauge, but it appears not to be in FSX.

Life is full of surprises...

:salute: There are often pleasant little surprises in life when we least expect them. And boy, oh boy is this one. The Curtiss C-46 has always been one of those aircraft that just didn't seem to grab my enthusiasm. Its seemingly clumbsy appearance? Don't know, maybe simply indifference.
Then, rather half-heartedly, spurr of the moment I decided to download this C-46 and give it the benefit of the doubt. I think a little instinct may have played its part; the name Tom Gibson has been synonymous with excellence on a fair few fs subjects (long live the Dc-6 e.g. and its varients).
Then I discover this bird is PW R-2800 powered. That's all I needed!
The air file seems spot on. The aircraft looks heavy and the flight characteristics, very much to the aicraft's credit reflect this fact without being sluggish.
This is an aircraft that definately grows on you, albeit pretty fast!
And to cut a long story short, I'm off to Calclassics and wherever I can find more repaints (I seem to remember seeing a 'Buffalo' paint by that productive gentleman, Marcus).
Smoothie, if you're around pal; The HAF sorely need a respray on this one!
The Curtiss C-46 STAYS!!! :ernae: Many thanks and congratulations to Tom Gibson!
Hi all,

I have uploaded the final file to AVSIM; should be available tomorrow. I'll probably also upload it to flightsim. Feel free to upload it here and elsewhere; I don't know how.

Thanks for your help,
Now in the library here. :)

Beta testers should download and install the final version to get the latest changes.


Thank you Tom! Excellent job!
(PS: Having grown up in Camarillo,you have made me one happy "friend of the China Doll".)

Tom, is the final release any different than the latest beta? If so, anything other than some aircraft.cfg bits? Seems the airfiles have the same release dates.
Glad I could help with China Doll - it's also the one C-46 I've seen in action. :)

The final release includes these updated files (date modified in parentheses):

1. blurred prop textures for the silver props (4/1)
2. USAAF VC (panel.cfg file) with moved icons so the popup panels don't cover them (4/3)
3. improved modern panel gauge layout (4/3)
4. 4 bladed MDL files with better appearing "slow" props (i.e. startup and shutdown) (4/1)
5. aircraft type in the cfg file so ATC says "Commando" (4/2)

You can check your files and see which ones are newer.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Tom, I was just being lazy as I have installed all the betas, except for any new textures so this is very useful to stuff in the final bits.

Awesome effort:salute: to all those involved.
Great to see updates like this

Thought I'd have a look, and I'm glad I did, this one has real Presence.
Don't you just love controls that do stuff - prop pitch, cowl flaps...I open new windows all over and just play in the cockpit.

Late in the day, and I don't know if it's been mentioned - the Captain's arm, being rigidly attached to the yoke, is dismembered when you pull back!


Glad you are all enjoying it. :)

Regarding the arm, I did know that there were some minor issues with the crew, but no one seemed upset about them in the beta test. And yes, it's too late...
He's just getting a tighter grip on the yoke. It took a lot of strength to fly those older planes especially if the plane got set into a deep dive. Seen that on the old movies, sometimes it took the pilot and co-pilot to pull the controls back to bring it out of them deep dives.