Charter Member
VC view of prop animation
Hello Folks,
It´s going well with the corrected prop animation view from inside the VC, either with individual
blades or with prop components. Due to maxed out components and structures, I managed to
put propeller components in AF99 by substituting radiator components for provisional 2D planars.
These will be substituted for structures via SCASM later.
To find the correct call for prop animations from the VC, once the props (or blades) and problurs
are identified in the SCASM listing search was with "engine 2 speed" and "engine 1 speed", and after backtracking 2 or 3 steps, I arrived at at the labels for the beginning of the animation calls.
In the attached screenshots, radiators are still 2D, but the correct prop animation is shown to be
working very well.
Hello Folks,
It´s going well with the corrected prop animation view from inside the VC, either with individual
blades or with prop components. Due to maxed out components and structures, I managed to
put propeller components in AF99 by substituting radiator components for provisional 2D planars.
These will be substituted for structures via SCASM later.
To find the correct call for prop animations from the VC, once the props (or blades) and problurs
are identified in the SCASM listing search was with "engine 2 speed" and "engine 1 speed", and after backtracking 2 or 3 steps, I arrived at at the labels for the beginning of the animation calls.
In the attached screenshots, radiators are still 2D, but the correct prop animation is shown to be
working very well.
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