CWDT BF-109G-6 and G-14 are almost ready

I like the directness of Mud!


I still fly this one!


:icon_lol: I try to be direct and honest in all aspects of my life......using tact at all times......when possible!:icon_lol::engel016::ernae:

Really looking forward to this 109. As some may well know, the 109 is my favorite axis bird. Can't wait to compare it to Mike C's beautiful 109! I'm of the opinion that one can NEVER have too many 109's!:applause:
We have just finished the final build of the FS2004 version. We still need to write the user's intructions.

The FSX version works perfectly in my PC. Phanis is unable to make it run in his PC. We are trying to delete the aircraft completely from FSX and reload it.

Does anyone know how to completely remove an aircraft from FSX ?

My best guess is that this aircraft will be released within 10 days. This will make it in time for you guys to ask for it as a Father's day gift from your family.
Six days and counting!!:applause: I'm going to keep this thread alive.......some how, even if I have to strip naked and run around this board! hehe:icon_lol::icon29:
We have finally soved the issues with FSX SP2. The aircraft was OK with SP1, then we installed SP2, the VC showed up with all kinds of holes. We have just compiled a sample FSX SP2 version and it worked.

Here is the latest bonus paint scheme, a Black 14.

It also looks like that we are not able to release the aircraft with the Swastika on the rudder, it will be released with the lame "+" symbol. All the owners will have to download a Rudder patch from this website if they want the Swastika symbol.

Ohhhhhhh OOOOOOO......pretty!! We understand about the broken cross thingie, no problem, it's the law in some countries. Just let us fly her!!:applause::applause::jump::icon29:

PS Four days and counting!
These will be the final preview photos before the aircraft is released very soon !! :ernae:




