DC Designs Concorde is out

Brilliant Shot @dvj!

Took her for a spin yesterday, short hop from JFK to Miami. I had a cockpit texture mod installed which doesn't really seem compatible, but I was very happy to see the yoke textured now.

I'm not sure whether the pump and vent state displays worked before, it's pretty good right now!

When "Bat outta hell" started playing on my Spotify during the background, everything came together. Will keep flying this one!

And 1.0.2 is already following up.

Here's the Changelogs by the way:

- Changes to Autopilot MAX CLIMB ( now pitch-based with new IAS values )
- Further additions to Interactive Checklist to assist in Fuel Transfer procedure
- Further additions to Interactive Checklist to assist in CLIMB and DESCENT procedure ( bypassing MSFS autothrottle problems )
- FO CDI indicator reversal fixed
- Multiple AUTOLAND precision ILS approaches tested and confirmed working ( LAX, Heathrow, Filton, Bristol, Gatwick, Inverness )


- ADF and VOR compasses animated
- ADF needles corrected
- ADI pitch animation corrected
- LOD01 external model improved
- Autopilot emissives enhanced
- ACFS panel texture weathering reduced
- Window frame texture resolution increased
- Engine condition annunciators animated
- Landing gear retraction animation improved
- Stray polygon UV maps on fuselage fixed
- Air France registration fixed
- HSI TO/FROM flags added for VOR navigation
- FO Panel light knob animation fixed
- Shot handle numbers correct parenting fixed
- STAB / FEEL switches "OFF" labels corrected
- Multiple switch Wwise sounds corrected or added
- FO turn/slip face corrected
- External fin UV map corrected
- Manual updated with new information and instructions
- Interactive Checklist expanded to cover entire flights in more detail (from cold and dark start all the way to shut-down)
- Checklist EPU switch erronous position corrected
- Multiple switch / button Interactive Camera IDs added
- Multiple MI indicators ( OPEN / SHUT / IN-LINE ) added
- Further refinements to flight model, engines and other files
- Apron.FLT file modified and improved to enhance "Cold and Dark" start procedures
Hi everyone,

Great screenshots and glad to hear you're enjoying Concorde!

I didn't make a fuss over this launch here as it's not a military airplane so didn't fit as well here as it does over on Avsim. Seems like most people are enjoying it!

I'm back to military and vintage for the rest of this year and into 2023 though! AV-8B Harrier II, F-4J Phantom and A-10C Thunderbolt II, plus the P-61B ( freeware ).
Hi everyone,

Great screenshots and glad to hear you're enjoying Concorde!

I didn't make a fuss over this launch here as it's not a military airplane so didn't fit as well here as it does over on Avsim. Seems like most people are enjoying it!

I'm back to military and vintage for the rest of this year and into 2023 though! AV-8B Harrier II, F-4J Phantom and A-10C Thunderbolt II, plus the P-61B ( freeware ).

I just died and went to heaven! Flightsim heaven!!

I'm back to military and vintage for the rest of this year and into 2023 though! AV-8B Harrier II, F-4J Phantom and A-10C Thunderbolt II, plus the P-61B ( freeware ).

Congratulations on the Concorde, it's a masterpiece! I bet that if you could do a 737-300 with even entry-level systems, you could retire next year!
Another shot with a great mood.

By the way, 1.0.3 got released today.


- Changes to Autopilot for ease of use of Mach Hold
- ADI animations and code corrected for pitch accuracy
- ADF needles corrected for accuracy
- Flight Director pitch needles repositioned for accuracy on ADI
- Further ILS / AUTOLAND tests at various airports, all working correctly
- Refinements to Interactive Checklists for greater detail and accuracy
That is a great shot! Moved me a little closer to a potential buy.Forest
I enjoy it more every time I fly it. Best part, we are on the 3rd update since the introduction, so it is not ignored by the developer. Not a big fan of tubeliners, but this aircraft is quite unique in flight and style.
I must say it does look good. It's not for me; I love Concorde in real life, and always enjoy going aboard the one at Duxford - it's just not my cup of tea in flight simming. However, from what I've read, I think DC Designs has pitched it at just the right level of complexity, so well done to them on an excellent add-on.
I must say it does look good. It's not for me; I love Concorde in real life, and always enjoy going aboard the one at Duxford - it's just not my cup of tea in flight simming. However, from what I've read, I think DC Designs has pitched it at just the right level of complexity, so well done to them on an excellent add-on.
Hopefully the FlightsimLab version will be released this year (I hope so).
Hopefully the FlightsimLab version will be released this year (I hope so).

Yes, that'll be interesting too. The FBW A32NX and PMDG's DC-6 are about as complex as I want at the moment, but I'm looking forward to reading people's experiences with the FSL Concorde.
Yes, that'll be interesting too. The FBW A32NX and PMDG's DC-6 are about as complex as I want at the moment, but I'm looking forward to reading people's experiences with the FSL Concorde.
I think you'll be waiting for FSL's offering a long time. Nothing on their website indicates any work on MSFS planes.
I did read something from FSL a few weeks ago, said during an interview, that work on the MSFS Concorde was ongoing. Can I now find that interview ? Of course, I can't. We shall see - as said, it's not for me anyway.
That's just totally awesome, dvj !! :applause:

(that makes me almost sold but i don't know what to do with it...)
Also posted in the SU9 thread

The latest from Dean regarding the Concorde:
After tremendous work by CodenameJack, and Concorde users "LameLefty" and "RESETXPDR" on the Microsoft forums, all of the engine and fuel issues have been diagnosed and fixed. The updates will be sent to Just Flight and the Marketplace today to ensure Concorde gets back into the skies as quickly as possible for all owners.[FONT=&quot]I should also add that Jorg Neumann at Microsoft has been hugely helpful in talking over what went wrong. We were able to find a way to improve the communication between Asobo Studios and third-party developers prior to Sim Update releases, so that all developers know more about what has actually been changed within the sim *before* the final update rolls out. The plan is that with a detailed Changelog in advance of Sim Update releases ( but while still in beta ), devs can rapidly locate and diagnose issues and prepare their updates with more accuracy, instead of wondering what's a new sim-bug and what's a genuine fix or change each time the updates roll out. This idea is a WIP, as it would require Asobo to lock down their code earlier to give developers more time to make changes, but Jorg liked the idea and hopefully it will become a thing in the future.

Concorde's update should reach users today or tomorrow, depending on where you purchased Concorde.
