DC Designs F-4 Phantom released...

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..but so far only on the MS Marketplace - which means no weapon loadouts, fuel tanks only.

Mod edit: Now available from 3rd party vendor: https://www.justflight.com/product/dc-designs-f4e-f4j-fgr2-phantom

I assume the plane will be released in due course on other sites with a full compliment of weapons. In the
meantime, the screenshots on the Marketplace look awesome, and does give some idea of the purchase
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DC will very likely release a download that enables external stores other than tanks, since he's done so for the rest of his marketplace releases.
Love Phantoms but it looks like someone didn't research it well.
Or just bought the 3D mesh and ran with it.

They have Navy type inboard pylons on all of the F-4E's. :banghead:
Up until very recently, the MS marketplace has had a lead time measured in weeks (if not months) for new products/updates getting posted, and the "no weapons" policy also limits what can be sold there for military aircraft, although Asobo seems to turn a blind eye to developers making files available elsewhere to add said weapons back in.

The marketplace also encrypts almost all of the files it installs, which means that it's largely impossible to tweak things like flight models.
Next week for Just Flight.

Why not MS Marketplace?

* Takes weeks for them to process updates.
* Stupid no weapons policy
* Rather see the developers not have to give up a big percentage to MS.

I buy from the Marketplace, and I do want to support MSFS, because I want it to continue.

But with military planes, the stupid weapons policy makes literally any other venue preferable.

EDIT: Ouch. $37.99? I thought JF/DCD were going lower with the new releases. I know Dean and team have put a ton of work into this, but nope. I'll wait for a sale. That's just too high for a mid-detail MSFS plane, for me.
Next week for Just Flight.

Why not MS Marketplace?

* Takes weeks for them to process updates.
* Stupid no weapons policy
* Rather see the developers not have to give up a big percentage to MS.

I buy from the Marketplace, and I do want to support MSFS, because I want it to continue.

But with military planes, the stupid weapons policy makes literally any other venue preferable.

EDIT: Ouch. $37.99? I thought JF/DCD were going lower with the new releases. I know Dean and team have put a ton of work into this, but nope. I'll wait for a sale. That's just too high for a mid-detail MSFS plane, for me.

We give up less of a percentage to the Marketplace than we do elsewhere, believe it or not. Weapons are no longer an issue for PC users - I will release next week a small, free add-on that reactivates them on PC. Only console users will forever be without weapons, sadly - and the policy is indeed daft, static weapons can harm nothing.

Price is actually $34.99, same as the Tomcats, Vipers etc. F-14D is coming free to the F-14A/B package to up that also to three variants.
Dean, can you comment on this from your facebook page?

" deciding if and when to bring them to other stores"

I just bought the Phantom from the Marketplace, and took it for one short hop. I really like the way it handles. Memories of riding backseat in them really came back to me, quite vividly. I remember the pilots I rode with would always run up each engine on the runway and check the gauges, prior to takeoff. So, I did the same with my split throttle. Awesome!

Love the sound, but the characteristic "howl" of those J79s could be just a touch louder, just my opinion.

One observation about the paints. Now I only looked at one, specifically, VF-143. The lines of every single panel are clearly outlined. In reality, they are not that noticeable. When USN tailhook aircraft are cleaned/treated for corrosion prevention, you will see the panel edge definitions more so, because the maintainers use a type of lube on the fasteners, which stains the paint, making it blotchy. I guess what I am trying to convey is that the clearly defined edges of all the panels, to me, seem much too uniform? Maybe when you talented painters start creating various squadron paints, you might possibly make some changes? Just a thought. NC:encouragement:


f-4 d.jpg
Dean, can you comment on this from your facebook page?

" deciding if and when to bring them to other stores"


Bottom line: third party stores are responsible for less than 5% of sales now, and are also pirated within 24 hours of release. Marketplace accounts for 95% + of sales, little to no piracy and they're updating much faster now. The industry has changed, that's all it is. I love the team at Just Flight, but I lose a lot more in revenue selling through them than I would selling only on the Marketplace.

- - - Updated - - -

I just bought the Phantom from the Marketplace, and took it for one short hop. I really like the way it handles. Memories of riding backseat in them really came back to me, quite vividly. I remember the pilots I rode with would always run up each engine on the runway and check the gauges, prior to takeoff. So, I did the same with my split throttle. Awesome!

Love the sound, but the characteristic "howl" of those J79s could be just a touch louder, just my opinion.

One observation about the paints. Now I only looked at one, specifically, VF-143. The lines of every single panel are clearly outlined. In reality, they are not that noticeable. When USN tailhook aircraft are cleaned/treated for corrosion prevention, you will see the panel edge definitions more so, because the maintainers use a type of lube on the fasteners, which stains the paint, making it blotchy. I guess what I am trying to convey is that the clearly defined edges of all the panels, to me, seem much too uniform? Maybe when you talented painters start creating various squadron paints, you might possibly make some changes? Just a thought. NC:encouragement:

Glad you're enjoying the Phantoms! The panel lines are all on a simple, single coloured decal sheet. By lightening the colour, a texture artist can thus lighten the lines in one easy move. Simples :)
Bottom line: third party stores are responsible for less than 5% of sales now, and are also pirated within 24 hours of release. Marketplace accounts for 95% + of sales, little to no piracy and they're updating much faster now. The industry has changed, that's all it is. I love the team at Just Flight, but I lose a lot more in revenue selling through them than I would selling only on the Marketplace.- - - Updated - - -Glad you're enjoying the Phantoms! The panel lines are all on a simple, single coloured decal sheet. By lightening the colour, a texture artist can thus lighten the lines in one easy move. Simples :)
Thanks Dean! I suspected as much. I must say that this aircraft is a blast to fly! NC
A simulator eh? Pricey!I will just re-imagine what it was like to fly in them, using my VR headset and my "Buttkicker" attached to my chair. The combination is amazing! NC
Out of interest, what would make you NOT want to buy from the MSFS Marketplace?
My biggest gripe is the encrypted flight dynamics files. Yes, it prevents piracy, but it also prevents personal tweaks. I often need to adjust things like steering angles to better suit my needs or to correct errors from dev's that don't quite understand that turning a nose wheel 90° doesn't mean you can turn sharp. It only means your wheel it perpendicular to the plane's intended path and it ain't going nowhere. I've also found several that don't have differential braking enabled with rudder deflection. Being able to make corrections like that are important in considering where I spend my money.​

Ah OK I didn't realise the easy-as-pie purchase/installation/updates also meant no hotrodding.
I guess with feedback, that can be overcome in the dialogue with devs.
More power to the forums.
Insightful to hear Dean's comment on sales/income I thought.
I thought about NOT buying it from the Marketplace because of the inability to modify flight dynamics, etc.... But then I remembered ; I don't know how to do that in the first place!  NC
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