DC Designs PT-17 Stearman is Out

Sill no sign of the update in the marketplace yet :(

I hope this isn't an indication of how impotent MS/Asobo think you are to them. I know they said they had a backlog of updates to take care of but I thought they would have dealt with them in the order they received them and this ones been so long now that it surely must have made its way to the top of the pile by now.
Sill no sign of the update in the marketplace yet :(

I hope this isn't an indication of how impotent MS/Asobo think you are to them. I know they said they had a backlog of updates to take care of but I thought they would have dealt with them in the order they received them and this ones been so long now that it surely must have made its way to the top of the pile by now.

I never buy airplanes, if possible, from the marketplace. I only purchase scenery thaat isn't likely to get updated very often.
Yea I hear you, I Should have looked for it else ware first but saw it and instantly pulled the trigger.

BTW I just spotted a typo in my post. I meant important not impotent, damn auto correct.
Yea I hear you, I Should have looked for it else ware first but saw it and instantly pulled the trigger.

BTW I just spotted a typo in my post. I meant important not impotent, damn auto correct.

I did the exact same thing. Sure drilled home to never do THAT again if possible to avoid. :)

Yes, this is true. However, I'm not aware of any advantages in voluntarily dumping 70% of my company's income.

As it happens, I am in the process of arranging a deal with Just Flight for Concorde that is the same as that for the F-14 Tomcats and Stearman, so it may yet appear on third-party stores. The reason for this is the current huge delays in the Marketplace updates / release schedule.

GAS sells from its own website directly using Payloadz. They only charge 15%. Of course we use other vendors to expand our reach. Have you considered direct sales using Payloadz?
Sill no sign of the update in the marketplace yet :(

I hope this isn't an indication of how impotent MS/Asobo think you are to them. I know they said they had a backlog of updates to take care of but I thought they would have dealt with them in the order they received them and this ones been so long now that it surely must have made its way to the top of the pile by now.

The Stearman was in the queue to be updated, but it had been on hold by MS for so long that the last sim update then broke it again ( smoke effects borked ). The Marketplace is now so slow that aircraft updates are broken before they can even be processed. I have put all updates on hold now until after SU7 as I'm wasting my time trying to update anything, as all the work is then lost when MS updates the sim and changes everything.
GAS sells from its own website directly using Payloadz. They only charge 15%. Of course we use other vendors to expand our reach. Have you considered direct sales using Payloadz?

Not at this time, no, I'm just too busy to run a sales website of my own as well as everything else.
OK thanks for the update on the update :)

There still releasing plenty of new stuff on the market place which brings in their cut of the sales so that's probably much more important to them where as updates to 3rd party stuff doesn't really boost their coffers.

Guess we'll all have to wait it out.
I'm still enjoying flying the version that we have though and its by far my most flown plane in the sim. Great for sight seeing in VR :encouragement:
I know from a business standpoint a platform like downloadz may be nice for the seller as you as a developer get more of the money. I have purchased more than my share of payware aircraft over the years, including a few from GAS using the downloadz platform and as a consumer I find it a less pleasing experience, as its harder to go back to it later and redownload if there are updates or if I just need to find it again.

Using the MSFS app store or an updater tool like Orbx is more convenient as its easy to add/remove/update and the fewer places I have to go to find all the aircraft I have purchased over the years the better.
I have put all updates on hold now until after SU7 as I'm wasting my time trying to update anything, as all the work is then lost when MS updates the sim and changes everything.

I completely sympathise, how could it be otherwise, but I think this is a battle lost in advance. That's the absurdity of this concept of on-line sim, which becomes a never-ending race, where you can never be up to date for more than a few days or weeks.
The Marketplace is now so slow that aircraft updates are broken before they can even be processed. I have put all updates on hold now until after SU7 as I'm wasting my time trying to update anything, as all the work is then lost when MS updates the sim and changes everything.

Does that apply to eg JustFlight too?
They're very quick getting updates up, it would be a shame if Microsoft's lardy tardiness did for everyone :(
Does that apply to eg JustFlight too?
They're very quick getting updates up, it would be a shame if Microsoft's lardy tardiness did for everyone :(

I purchased my copy of the Stearman through Just Flight. They updated the Stearman months ago.

Just recently, I had to use their support for the Hawk. I found it most pleasent and timely.
Yep, I always buy from Justflight if I can, but Dean is suggesting he won't bother with updates at all for now because Microsoft are so slow to deploy them that they are already broken by the next Simupdate before the original aircraft update gets on the marketplace, even though Justflight did get them out.
With 70%+ of Dean's sales coming from the Marketplace I can understand his position...
Does that apply to eg JustFlight too?
They're very quick getting updates up, it would be a shame if Microsoft's lardy tardiness did for everyone :(

It does, but only until after Sim Update 7 next week. The Stearmans, providing everything is still working, will have their smoke updated to one that works again and be sent to both JF and the Marketplace. F-14 and F-15s will be updated in the New Year as Concorde is the priority project at the moment, and although there is lots I'm keen to add to the Tomcats and Eagles, they're basically working well so there's not so much need to rush any updates out for them.