default aircraft


All the default aircrafts are in one of the 4 FS2004 CD's

Do what you would normally do
Think your questions been answered but if you mean get the MD-80 flyable then this file

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Panels FS2004 Complete MD-80 Panel
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 6,582,269 Date: 11-27-2003 Downloads: 8,943
FS2004 Complete MD-80 Panel. Surrounding cockpit views added to Marco Spada's McDonnell Douglas MD80 panel. Includes checklist and files to make the default MD-80's flyable. Files combined by Andrew Pritchard. (See also COM80FIX.ZIP)

from will do that for you just remember to make a copy of ur AI MD-80 so you dont lose traffic

If the aircraft title lines aren't changed, making the AI MD-80 flyable won't change the AI traffic. But I think you may be disappointed when you see that model up close. There's almost no detail.

Go to and register if you haven't been there already. (Do the free registration - you don't have to pay...) Then go to the File Search page and click on the Advanced Search at the top. Select FS2004 Jetliners, then enter Eric Cantu into the first search field. Then check the second box that says "Aircraft base model from original designer" and hit the search button. Toward the bottom of the next page and more on the one after that, you'll find just about every variant of that airframe you could want.

Sorry if all this sounds a little basic, but I'm guessing you're new to FS. It's just the teacher in me coming out! I've owned FS9 since Dec, '03 and I'm still adding, removing, tweaking, fiddling, and everything else!