DeHavilland DH.86 Express by Kazunori Ito

Sorry for the necro post, but it is applicable...

Did anyone ever put together a workable DH.86 that they could email me?

Mr. Ito's looks very nice externally, has a VC...all good enough for me except it has a jet flight model!!! It is screaming fast and won't stay in the air at realistic speeds, so...

just wondering if anyone has a modded version of Mr. Ito's DH.86 that I could use. I'm not real fussy (I don't care that the engines take a long time to spool but I would like something that will cruise nicely at about 120-125 knots.

Thank you!
... Did anyone ever put together a workable DH.86 that they could email me? ...

I adapted the flight model from Lee Holmes' DH.86 by patching in the User Interface, Contact Points and Lights sections from the Ito plane into the Aircraft.cfg file and substituting the Holmes AIR file. I don't have the expertise to vouch for the accuracy of the Holmes flight model, but at least it's not a jet!

I've attached the flight files here. Don't forget to edit the User Interface sections if you don't have the same paints as I have.
Thanks for this, Mick!

I'll put it together this evening and see if I can get it up and running :encouragement: Close will be good enough for me, just so I don't feel like a :biggrin-new:
Thank you, Mick.

I just applied your files to my DH.86 Ito installation and it flies very nicely. It holds altitude at reasonable cruise speeds and seems to handle just fine.

Mr. Ito made a very nice DH.86 model visually and it just needed some tweaks like this for a more realistic flight model.

Happy holidays!


P.S. I was also able to find the extra skin you had listed in the cfg, so I've added another skin to boot :biggrin-new:
I cheated :pop4:. I like the models and found the earlier version from Bluegrass Aviation by Lee Holmes as well as Ito-san's, but I also like Fraser McKay's panels and so used the one from the Dh 104 in both versions. A bodge I know, but it is nice to fly around in, so apologies to all!
Hi Guys,
I created a few repaints for Ito-san's DH86 for BritSim in 2009. They are not available elsewhere while BritSim is down. I have uploaded them to Sendspace for a few days in case anybody is interested in them. Link is:

cheers, Peter W


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Just in case anyone else gets this :-
[h=1]Internal Server Error[/h]Source "" is missing
#0 App\Core\Core->route()
#1 /facemoods/web/landings-production/lib/F3/2.0.10/base.php:1204 call_user_func(array(0=>AppCoreCore::__set_state(),1=>'route'))
#2 /facemoods/web/landings-production/lib/F3/2.0.10/base.php:1345 F3::call(array(0=>AppCoreCore::__set_state(),1=>'route'),true)
#3 F3::run()
#4 /facemoods/web/landings-production/lib/F3/2.0.10/base.php:2303 call_user_func_array('F3::run',array())
#5 /facemoods/web/landings-production/public/index.php:103 F3instance->__call('run',array())
#6 /facemoods/web/landings-production/public/index.php:103 F3instance->run()

The pop up for the download was hiding behind the IE11 page. Didn't see it until I was closing down for the day.

Thanks for these paints! :adoration:
Thanks Peter! Very nice work!
Thanks for the HU about sendspace too. I'd never heard of it, and it will be very handy if I ever get involved in collaborative development again. I haven't known of a service like that since they shut down Mega Upload.