Der Rote Baron ....

In German movies, they are still rather careful to show much of the fighting of German pilots. When you are the victor of a war, that's a different thing, but we all know, the Germans are still named the "dark side". Even when there wasn't much of a difference between English, French and German airmen in their courage and their fears. So, "Der Rote Baron" does not show too much of that. But I liked the opening scene, were the young MvR is riding through a forrest, when he hears a plane coming. He looks around the treetops, to spot it. Then he catches a glimpse and rides fast until he reaches an opening, were he can see the plane. As it disappears, he rides on, his arms spread wide, like wings - the wildest wish to fly...
Yeah, I'm a sentimental dreamer, rather.

I think, you can as well order from German AMAZON, as I can from American - I got "Angel's Wing" from over the pool.
How is Angels Wing Olham? I was looking at snatching that up too.

Haven't seen the second half. It starts rather subtle; young man comes from hospital after a tuberculosis. Only short after, the war is declared. He tries to become a soldier, but they wouldn't have him. He doesn't give up, and manages to be taught some flying lessons by a private trainer. Then through some contacts, he reaches to be accepted as a pilot scholar in the French airforce. First flys a monoplane (Morane? Don't really know) and get's really good. But suffers from not being really accepted in the officer's corps. He's not like the others. He's very ernest, holds a high morale, doesn't joke nor laugh at jokes; that type. After being shot down and recovering, he overcomes his fear, by flying without ammo, close to German two-seaters, waving at them.
Well - and if you got curious now: I'm sorry, but haven't seen more yet.
Good night for now - tomorrow starts another working week. :sleep:
Good review, GREMLIN, but you missed a detail. Voss had the engine mounted in his plane, when he died. Fokker mentions it in a scene, when MvR is in Berlin. Fokker is upset and complains to MvR: "When your pilots want different engines in my planes, I'd prefer to be asked. Now I hear from reports, that one of your pilots was shot down, flying an enemy Bentley engine!" So, in that moment, Manfred realises, that his friend Voss got killed.

The film is certainly not historical - I'm afraid, it wouldn't be very attractive to show, how it all really was.
Haven't seen the second half. It starts rather subtle; young man comes from hospital after a tuberculosis. Only short after, the war is declared. He tries to become a soldier, but they wouldn't have him. He doesn't give up, and manages to be taught some flying lessons by a private trainer. Then through some contacts, he reaches to be accepted as a pilot scholar in the French airforce. First flys a monoplane (Morane? Don't really know) and get's really good. But suffers from not being really accepted in the officer's corps. He's not like the others. He's very ernest, holds a high morale, doesn't joke nor laugh at jokes; that type. After being shot down and recovering, he overcomes his fear, by flying without ammo, close to German two-seaters, waving at them.
Well - and if you got curious now: I'm sorry, but haven't seen more yet.
Good night for now - tomorrow starts another working week. :sleep:

Thanks Olham youve got my curiosity with that.

Was there a lot of support for the film before it came out?[/quote]

actually there was some support. prior the premiere of the movie there were on different german channels some documentations about MvR or they showed the old MvR movie from the 70's. there were tv-commercials of a model company releasing a kind of magazine about MvR with always getting a new part every month to build this replica. the german actor playing MvR came as a guest in a lot of morning and evening shows. the premiere was in berlin with red carpet and a 1:1 replica Dr1 outside and the audience were journalists, reviewers, some more famous actors and the richthofen family. the premiere was announced in every news on every channel in germany. there were teasers and trailers during commercial breaks. so there was support. the thing is, the trailers are really worth watching because they show a lot of dynamic action and they sell a really good movie. unfortunately the flying sequences in the trailers are almost everything you will see in this movie. after the premiere the reviewers alltogether verbally destroyed the movie. i still went to the theater and found out they were right. IMHO the movie wouldn't have been so bad if there were a lot more flying sequences actually showing him becoming the ace of aces, and not only talking about. almost all fighting is from the off. ok, i am not a guy who is only watching action movies. i rather like to watch a good plot, but the plot was completely boring and cheesy. it would be like watching titanic, and suddenly the movie ends at the moment they hit the ice and what happened afterwards never would have been shown. only from the off.
The movie has NO English language; I couldn't even read anything about subtitles (and all that, although it's a WARNER release).
Again: there isn't much flying (but what you see, is great).
Here's the German AMAZON link to the movie:

And here's a documentary DVD, that received 5 from 5 stars at AMAZON; haven't seen it; just ordered it. Should be good from all I read; more film material was available in good quality, than one would expect.

Der Rote Baron - Die wahre Geschichte des Manfred von Richthofen