Different aircraft in player's flight


I am sure we have been here before but I really do need 2 kinds of aircraft in the player's flight so that the wing-men can attack which the player can't; or of course visa versa would work as well. Now interestingly, after I made a mission in mb with all the same ac, I went in and changed them in the xml. CFS3 didn't like that much as CTD's until I deleted the uisel file in the appdata folder and started again. Then I did get into the mission but, lo and behold, all the ac were the same as the players but the missions xml still showed 2 kinds of ac!:dizzy:

Anyone know of a work around for this? There really were squadrons with different aircraft, each of which had different roles; as in this Turbinlite squadron I am testing out.:wiggle:
Hi James,

To the best of my knowledge the player flight will only support a single aircraft type.

A.I. flights can have multiple aircraft types assigned to the one flight. I did this for missions with Richtofens circus in OFF.

regards Rob.
So can the player tell AI flights to attack? (I think not) Could I have AI aircraft in a player's flight but cheat by renaming another kind of aircraft as the payer's AI ac?
So I tried this in 2 installs with 2 differnt missions; one with the same aircraft in the player's flight, ( in fact only the player!), but the missions failed to load in all cases.

Has anyone successfully tried this?

Loads the given mission on start-up.
Eg. Typing [space]-mhistorical/falaise.xml loads this particular mission from your CFS3 mission folder.​
I had
"C:\CFS3 TOW Era I\cfs3.exe" -mtraining/Havoc Turbinlite Test.xml

and just in case

"C:\CFS3 TOW Era I\cfs3.exe" -mtraining/Havoc_Turbinlite_Test.xml


"C:\Combat Flight Sim TOW\cfs3.exe" -mhistorical/Blenheim NF 22 23 July 1940 spawn.xml which had only the player ac and spawn files.
I've used it successfully, and what you have looks correct, not sure why it isn't working for you.
You might have a point there Clive. I was just following the knowledge base post instructions but might try all "\" :applause: If that works you can have one on me! Maybe the next time I'm in the UK, I won't get totally wasted by my nieces in Dartmouth, so I can have one with your personally in N A or nearby!:ernaehrung004:
Well, these did not work either.:banghead:

"C:\CFS3 TOW Era I\cfs3.exe" -mtraining\Havoc Turbinlite Test.xml

"C:\CFS3 TOW Era I\cfs3.exe" -mhistorical\Blenheim NF 22 23 July 1940 spawn.xml

What did happen though was that the sound was turned off and realism set to medium.:dizzy:

Some one else like to try with any of their regular missions?
Just what I thought, so I tried again; initially in my ETO install with 1 ac . Worked like a charm. I then went and tried with 2 single era installs. This time the missions loaded but

- again sound turned off and only medium realism!
- The mixed ac Turbinlite flight only had Havocs; no Hurricanes.

Possible starting from runway is an issue? I suspect not as the single player ac flight was starting in the air and still the sound/realism effected.:dizzy:

Meanwhile I might try some other installs......................
OK I have now tried this in 2 ETO and 2 non ETO installs.

-all missions now successfully start with the mission's xml having "_" inserted for any blank spaces. (and no sound/realism issues now!)
-whatever I seem to do the mission always have Havocs only; both in the game but also in the mb; even though the xml file shows only ! Havoc and 3 Hurricane NF's

So; has anyone else actually been successful in having a mixed player flight working using this [space]-m[mission_type_folder\your_mission.xml] system? If so perhaps you could postr the mission here for me to check, or pm/email me.
So I retried and realized I'd forgotten to add a little caveat - you must delete the Aircraft="your flight aircraft" parameter completely from the heading portion of your mission xml.
So I retried and realized I'd forgotten to add a little caveat - you must delete the Aircraft="your flight aircraft" parameter completely from the heading portion of your mission xml.

Yeah! That seemed to do it. Thanks Dan; I was about to try desperate measure of having 2 flights with identical wp's and see if the ai Havoc would light up a bomber for the player's Hurris!

I'll add to the knowledge base.
OK I have now come across a very interesting issue with a mixed aircraft players flight. The Havoc Turbinlite won't work, nor will the Hurricanes attack!:dizzy:

I checked with all the same aircraft in the missions and all works fine then. I somehow imagine this is going to be a difficult issue!:banghead:
Is the Havoc set up as a fighter_bomber? If not the AI might not be sure what to do.