different startup screens?

Cees Donker

Staff member
Should I get different startup screens, when I select different periods in the ETO conversion? Just wondering.


Yes, you do. Attack in the West screenie for Era 1, air raid observer on a London rooftop for Era 2, B-17s and contrails for Era 3, Normandy invasion map for Era 4 and Battle of the Bulge map for Era 5.
I'm running the ETO-conversion under Windows 8, the 64 bits version. I used the default installation location. What could have gone wrong?:dizzy:

(I'm curious. Love to tinker with this stuff!) :untroubled:

I'm running the ETO-conversion under Windows 8, the 64 bits version. I used the default installation location. What could have gone wrong?:dizzy:

(I'm curious. Love to tinker with this stuff!) :untroubled:

Hi Cees,
Unfortunately, heaps could have gone wrong :dizzy:. ETO is very sensitive to following the correct startup procedure, and all the .bat files for the era swapper etc, must point to the correct folders etc. Once the files get corrupted the best thing to do is to do follow the procedure set out for reverting to the backup folders, then read the readme again and familiarise with the startup process, and what all the .bat files do.

Sometimes I set up an ETO install for a specific era, just so as to avoid all the complex startup processes. I know some people find the procedures no trouble; however others find there are too many variables and I for one can always find a new thing to forget :untroubled:

good luck!

Norton could of fouled things up. I have Webroot and if I didn't disable it during install it wouldn't let the installer run the small cmd windows that created a duplicate CFS3 install that the installer installed the ETO files into. Also had the same trouble with the obsolete file remover, it wouldn't let that run either. You might have to do a complete uninstall and reinstall because of Norton. Not 100% certain that was your problem but I know I had to disable my antivirus.

This video by Tailwind might also help. It is for Windows 7, but I believe 7 and 8 are similar enough.

I've been using Norton since forever and it didn't interfere with installing ETO one bit. There's installation guides, both pdf and video, linked in the Installation guides for ETO and Rising Sun sticky thread which will explain the ETO installation process in XP, Vista and Windows 7. With your ETO stuck in Era 1, there may be a step or two missed on installation, but check the pdf for problems and their solutions.
I read it all, done it all, but still no cigar! Must be something in Windows 8. I've had troubles with other games too. But I'll find a away around it, I'm sure. It still is a wonderful addon this ETO for CFS3. Thank you all involved!


When you swap from an era to another, be sure that CFS3 folder is closed otherwise, you may have some folders that can not be renamed. As an exemple, if the mission folder is open whil you are in the 1936 era and you swap to the 1944 era, the utility will not be able to change the mission folder name accordinghly.

What you have to do is to rename manually the folders a,d files to fit the configuration you are actually and the problem will be solve. I had to do it a couple of times, it is easy and takes about 5 minutes in the worst cases ;-)
Hoi Cees

Something has gone wrong during installation with your ERA Swapper, what u need to do is a ORIF Reinstall. In the "cfs3 eto expansion README'S" there should be ERA FILES RESTORE readme. Go and find it, there you get instruction on which directories to empty and how to fill them up again. In the main game folder there also is an executable file to reinstall everything in the right way.


If you have acorruption of your era files or era global layer/qclocations.xml you canrecover by utilizing the recover program which have been provided.

Step 1. First copyand paste your Era swapper program files to a location outside of CFS3 ETOExpansion.

The 3 files are: CFS3 ETO Expansion\MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat, CFS3 ETO Expansion\ETOEraSwapper.bat, andCFS3 ETO Expansion\global_layer\ETOGLSwapper.bat,

Step 2. If there areany addon files that you want to retain such as mission files back them up to alocation outside of the ETO directory.

Step 3. If you wantto get your CFS3 ETO Expansion install back to the Original Release Installthen next you have to manually delete the following Era files and folders.

All *_uires and uiresfolders
All *_missions andmissions folders
global_layer folder
All *_qclocations.xmland qclocations.xml files
All *_splash24b.bmpand splash24b.bmp files

Step 4. Then run theCFS3 ETO Expansion ORIFs Re-Install installer program to re-install the OriginalRelease Install Files (ORIFs)

If you want to getyour CFS3 Expansion install to your most current global layer/qclocationsconditions by using the Era backup files.

Follow the Steps 1through 3 and then just copy and paste the files in your backup folder C:\CFS3ETO Expansion Backup to the Theater.

Good luck and let me know if it worked

Groet, Hanko

Thanks Hanko. Very clear instructions, followed these to the letter, but it is still the same: still no cigar.....Must be Windows 8 I guess.


Thanks Hanko. Very clear instructions, followed these to the letter, but it is still the same: still no cigar.....Must be Windows 8 I guess.



Maybe but surely fixable? Its probably some sort of control over the .bat files. Can you override the Windows control somehow? Are the .bat files set to run as an administrator? Hopefully someone who runs things on 8.1 successfully can advise.

good luck, I'm following closely as my next 'puter may have to run on 8.1 (sigh)

I have it working! Two problems solved! First: the registry didn't recognize what to do with batch files. I found a file on the internet to update the registry. Second: all files within the install must be made accessable for the batch files, which means you'll have to adapt the security settings for the ETO install.

Windows 8 is a bitch! Have it tamed now. :)

I have it working! Two problems solved! First: the registry didn't recognize what to do with batch files. I found a file on the internet to update the registry. Second: all files within the install must be made accessable for the batch files, which means you'll have to adapt the security settings for the ETO install.

Windows 8 is a bitch! Have it tamed now. :)

Should I get different startup screens, when I select different periods in the ETO conversion? Just wondering.




I waited until you sorted out Win 8 before I posted on this. I went from XP to Win 7 recently, and Win 8 is WAAAAAY out there for me right now.

OK, this concerns sticking Eras in ETO, This means your install is only slightly corrupted, and can be fixed manually, once you know which files and/or folders are stuck during the Swap.

Here is the list of ALL files and folders that can be affected when this problem occurs:

All *_uires and uires folders
All *_missions and missions folders
global_layer folder
All *_qclocations.xml and qclocations.xml files
All *_splash24b.bmp and splash24b.bmp files

It usually involves a pair, or even 2 pairs, of these. Could be 2 under uires, or 2 under splah24b.bmp, etc.

Also make note that the global_layer folder contain 5 each of global_layer.csv and gsl.lib files. Again, 1 of each for each layer, and they can get stuck, too.

This can be fixed manually, but you would have to know EXACTLY which 2 (or 4 or 6, depending on how much you switched between Eras after it occurred initially) files and/or folders are affected.

The easiest way to fix this is to use the ORIFS replacement method.

In your ETO install, follow this pathway: CFS3 ETO Expansion\CFS3 ETO Expansion READMEs.

Look for a file named ERA Files Restore Rev 1.40.

Follow the instructions within this README EXACTLY, and your ETO install will be A-OK again. Of course, be wary of any Win 8 and fix that as you go, too.

Good luck.


Initially, we included the ETO Backup icon for Desktop for this very reason. But it only helps if you immediately use it following installation, before you switch Eras for the first time.
Thanks Grizz, but I already sorted it out. See a few posts back! It was not the install, but Windows 8!

