Dil52's Cape to Cape Flights in the Golden Age Northop Gamma 2A

Thanks for your congrats everyone!
We’re having a great party down here and sending a toast up to Jeff in the north. Cheers!:ernae:

Not exactly accurate aircraft, but you get the idea!
Salt_Air, Willy, Moses, myself and, MM.....hope I have everyone so far here at Cape Town South. :)

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Jeff, jt_dub, up there in Cape Town North!
View attachment 65467

We're setting up more parking and keeping a keen eye out for more pilots coming in.
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Nice group shot. I just wonder where the pilots are... :ernae:
Good flights, Fred, and everyone who has arrived (and is flying).
Nice group shot. I just wonder where the pilots are... :ernae:
Good flights, Fred, and everyone who has arrived (and is flying).

The pilots are all sitting at the outside bar located up on top of this building, having some refreshments and watching for our fellow pilots to arrive . :ernae:

Notice that we're keeping everyone awake in the hotel. Practically all the lights are still on, because everyone's at the party! :)
Hurry down here!!!:running:

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We have a great view, so grease your best landing.
View attachment 65483

PS: We have some olympic judges on their way to London, so look for all 10's across the building after you land!

Congrats on a great run, knew you could do it in 2:applause:. If the plotter part of the sextant worked in FSX I'd be working on using it, you've given some great examples of how to do it.

Hope nobody falls off the roof while you guys are having fun at the bar!

edit: Just saw you came in almost 12 hrs under your reference time, that's some fantastic flying!!
Congrats on a great run, knew you could do it in 2:applause:. If the plotter part of the sextant worked in FSX I'd be working on using it, you've given some great examples of how to do it.

Hope nobody falls off the roof while you guys are having fun at the bar!

edit: Just saw you came in almost 12 hrs under your reference time, that's some fantastic flying!!

Thank you! I knew, when I heard that you put up the title for the Beech, I couldn't let you down.

The final tally was a couple hours and change over the reference time, but I'm well satisfied......considering I could have lost 4 hours after the first flight.