DM BAC-111

We can talk about that :)

It would have to be for Manfred's C-47, because it simply is the best Diesel3 out there IMHO.
And you will have to to the legwork of finding links to images.

And you will have to be patient....there is an update to the Starliner in the works and occasionally I do have a bit of work to do there :)

Wow, I am happy you are willing to accommodate me! MJ's Gooney would be my choice as well. I'll certainly do all the legwork, and as for patience, well, I've been waiting ever since I switched to FS9 where Mark Beaumont's Caribair appears prop-less (among other things!).

Attached is a favorite image. - H52

View attachment 72229
No problemo....

That certainly looks like a do-able repaint, I thought it might be something outlandishly complex the likes better left for WildBill.
That shot is a great starting point.

1, Do you think those colors are pretty true to the real ones ??
2. If you can find a shot showing the rear logo clearly that would be great.

This week is pretty much done with, though I might have some time tomorrow, if call volume at work is low :D since I actually get to play techsupport again for a change.

Uh oh, now I'm the one who has to ask you to be patient, LOL. I'm at the start of a re-build of my FltSim computer and although that per sé does not keep me from gathering pix, I do want to get it up and running ASAP. I will start gathering info -- including the tail logo -- tonight, but I doubt I'll have enough for you to start work tomorrow.

Yes, the colors in the pix are accurate -- for a freshly-painted bird. That pic was taken before April 1949 and most likely represents a recently-painted aircraft.

- h52 worries. I don't have to start with the tail. And as I said I may not have much time to work on it if my customers break their machines left and right.

I've just finished scouring the first 25 pages of Google results for "Caribair"; the pickings are remarkably slim for DC-3s, so the next step is to go through my substantial cache of 35mm slides. I'll start on that tomorrow. :sleep:

- h52
Ok....while I get started on the main more item to sort out. The Registration number...below are what I have found. But I don't know which one would be appropriate for the scheme in question. I know N8011E had a slightly more streamlined scheme...and unfortunately was burned up in a training exercise by the fire department.

N1549V C-47A-DK 13480 / 09/22/64 WO San Juan, Puerto RicoN16068 DC3A-191 1908 04/55 /63N18940 DC3A-197B 2006 / /63N21787 DC3-313 2186 04/46 /68N25679 DC3-197C 2176 / 03/63N28323 DC3-277C 2253 05/57 /68N34970 DC3D 42966 /63 /71N65389 C-47A-DL 19382 12/53 /67N79044 C-47A-DL 9654 / /N8011E C-47-DL 4521 PP-NAN 06/63 /68 same info but easier to read.

Stefan is what I have managed so far, while working to earn a living :)

I find that working on a paint project calms my nerves when talking to a customer or his mechanic. I just have to do a bit more task switching than usual to go from documentation back to the paint etc....and sometimes our database throws up three question-marks when I try to paste a bit of texture into a text box ;)

Next week I just found out I will be on the road in Sokane,WA .... so we'll see how much further I get then.

As you have noted, there are (subtle) differences in the livery depending on the era. If it's all the same to you, I would like you to concentrate on the livery of the late '40s, close to that shown in the image I posted.

I have prepared a packet of pix which illustrate the details of the selected livery. I prefer to e-mail them directly rather than have to re-size them for upload to SOH; that way you can enlarge them while retaining as much detail as possible. Please PM me your e-mail address.

BTW, have you noticed that all pix are of the Port side?!?!

- H52
Yeah looks like nobody ever got over on the other side. I am working strictly of the first pic you posted so far. The transition from red nose to yellow is not complete yet. I wanted to get the cheat line over the windows right first and next get the lines on the nose to meet up. As you can see in the WIP shot there is a slight mis-alignment still noticeable. But that will get corrected next.
Once that is done I will turn to that transition which is a bit of an odd looking thing with that rounded part coming from a straight line above it.

I was rather busy the last few weeks so I have not had as much time to continue on this C-47 in Carib colors, but here is a quick update. The Nose Section is done, except that I have to shift
the bits on the rounded part of it up by a few pixels to get the lines to line up on the model....They do line up on the paint template :D

The CARIB text is only a place holder since I will probably need to hand draw the letters since I don't have a font that matches this one.

The tail section is going to be easier since the lines there are not as complex....I hope ;) Drawing lines pixel by pixel is taking a lot longer than I would like.

It's looking REALLY GREAT, Sunny. Take your time; RL comes first.

Wish I had painting expertise. :mix-smi:

- h52
Drawing lines pixel by pixel is taking a lot longer than I would like.

welcome to how i do things :icon_lol: you just gotta persevere... it takes a while, i know. but the result is much nicer, unfortunately i have this 'pixel-perfect' fascination which becomes a nightmare at times as i'll be moving things in Illustrator by 0.25px or smaller each time then saving and checking, then moving again... it's never ending.... :icon_lol:

the end result though..... is worth it!:salute:
I know Matt, though my creations are a few shades of grey removed from yours, I have done quite a few over the years. It's both very gratifying and irritating at the same time.
I have never tried Illustrator....I think that would open a whole new can of worms :D But sometimes when lines get pixelated in PSP it would be nice to have a better way.
As usual I will muddle through it ... as work permits.

there is a workaround in photoshop/psp.... if you over-extend the end pieces where you want them to join (So go past the point where they join) you can then move the angles right/left... in doing this they'll also travel up or down the nose incrementally, once it's lined up you just go back, add new anchors to the line then tidy it up so the over-extended bits are not overlapping any other points... Illustrator is handy, but i only ever really use it for initial work on panel lines or for logo redrawing... soo many tools in my 'kitbag' (PSP, PS CS6 < Gift from company my father works for in return for me doing them some graphical work, 3DS Max, Illustrator and MCX to name but a few...) i'm amazed i don't confuse myself more often!

still..... C-47 is looking great, making me want to get back to it and splash some fresh paint on the bird... maybe take my new metal technique over to it so we can all have some bare metal masters to work from.....
I wish this would go to a new thread, seems it morphed from a BAC1-11 htread to a C-47 thread. KUR-RAZY :isadizzy:
Was BAC 1-11 now C-47 :D

I thought of doing a new thread but H52 might have this one marked to check on progress so I just stuck with it...the BAC 1-11 parts are still there if that's what brought you here ;)

Matt the lines as you can see on the second image in my latest update are actually lined up on the template. But somewhere in the model there is a tiny step that shifts things up or down by a pixel or two. I think it should be easy enough to find that spot in the flat bitmap and simply move what is left of the line up by a bit. The only catch is when that "bit" is less than a pixel.
For now I am working on the company lettering...then the tail and when she is just about finished I'll go back to that nose section.
