Donationware Christmas Pressie


Charter Member
Thanks for the Christmas Presents Ickie, and all the SOH Staff, especially for the B-25. By far, one of FDG2's best...:applause::applause::applause:

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:
Where is this available, did not see it posted ?

Edit : Just found Them, thanks so much for these Christmas gifts! :ernae:

Mike :running:
Yay! I have the B-25J again! I lost it a long time ago in a C drive failure. This is very kind of you guys thanks very much!:engel016::applause::ernae:
Thank you very much to all the team at SOH and all who contributed to these airplanes.

Just finished a big Christmas lunch so a good stick and rudder workout is just what I need.
The P-40 looks ideal for the job.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Thanks to the SOH staff for making these available to us 'cheapskates'. What a wonderful gift, support is 'in the bag', I'm just waiting for the right moment.


Thanks again,
Merry christmas to everyone !!!
I had purchased all of these aircraft for my old PC. Now I am thrilled to have them on my newer high-end rig.

Some Dauntless & Corsair shots to share. Merry Christmas SOH'ers !!!

Mike :salute:
wonderful gift to us all, SOH. Thanks Ickie and the staff.
best place for guys who are jes' plane nuts.

merry merry happy happy!
