Ye 25th daye of Decembre
Up this day early and so to my computationne devise and there found in this forum a Yule gifte of finest qualities, and it free of charge, alors!
So onned my hearing apparatus and barricaded myself within my study, there to make play as a simulateur of Flyinge Machines, and lo, it were Great Funne, and e'en more so in that it were a Gift, and my Wife irate, a-knockinge 'pon ye doore, inquiring whiter I were at and wherefore did I hide from ye reste of ye familiy on Christmas morninge and Lord! I could not explain--nor shalll I, for ye art of flight cannot easily be described, nay not even 'pon a compuationne devise!
So back to ye hearth and family and Foote-balle, where I must now act ye Goode Husband til all are ignorant of my presence, then make my way stealthy back to my chambres, ye better to fly like a birde.....
So to those who do give--and recieve-- ye Giftes, a Very Merry Yule, and I thank heaven for ye kindnesses of others.