Donationware Christmas Pressie

A very Merry Holiday season to all at the Sim-Outhouse, Staff and Users.
All the best. Thanks for the nice presents.

Ed Moore :ernae:
Thank you SOH staff for these great Christmas presents :applause::santahat::applause::santahat:

To Ickie and all of staff at SOH; Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :jump: :ernae:
The SOH is without a doubt is the best and most warm and welcoming flight sim community in existence.Thank you for your generosity Ickie and Staff and Happy Holidays to ALL!:santahat: :salute:
Thanks to SteveB for the link --- and thanks to Ickie & SOH for the treats!!!
Merry Christmas to all and a healthy and prosperous 2010 to everyone on the SOH forums.

Ye 25th daye of Decembre

Up this day early and so to my computationne devise and there found in this forum a Yule gifte of finest qualities, and it free of charge, alors!

So onned my hearing apparatus and barricaded myself within my study, there to make play as a simulateur of Flyinge Machines, and lo, it were Great Funne, and e'en more so in that it were a Gift, and my Wife irate, a-knockinge 'pon ye doore, inquiring whiter I were at and wherefore did I hide from ye reste of ye familiy on Christmas morninge and Lord! I could not explain--nor shalll I, for ye art of flight cannot easily be described, nay not even 'pon a compuationne devise!

So back to ye hearth and family and Foote-balle, where I must now act ye Goode Husband til all are ignorant of my presence, then make my way stealthy back to my chambres, ye better to fly like a birde.....

So to those who do give--and recieve-- ye Giftes, a Very Merry Yule, and I thank heaven for ye kindnesses of others.
I wish you all the best of Christmas cheer ,and may all your dreams be realised in the New year . Thanks for all the great simulator time I've had over the last few years,with so much help and models from the WORLDS BEST FS SITE.
Thank you for the generous gifts !! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year ! Ron