Nobody's getting angry or insulting, so I don't see a need to just shut it down - yet.
Caz, one question... When you get the BSOD, there should be a code a the bottom of the screen telling the reason. Do you remember what that was?
Also consider popping the heat sink off of the CPU to clean and reapply fresh thermal paste. Heat can play some pretty mean tricks on a computer. Also take a look at the Event Viewer and scroll to the times you got the BSOD's to see if anything was logged there.
Haha I knew should not have written that!The sim has never once spluttered crashed or died.
Thanks for the advice fellas, but I don't think it's the power supply, otherwise more programs would be affected. What I have come to the conclusion is that it's my GPU. I have about fried my GPU. It's not MSFS 2020. It's just that I had my controls turned up and MSFS 2020 is GPU heavy, I can show you in screenshots. I believe my GPU is getting too hot and that is what is causing the BSODs and Program Closures. The GPU shuts down to keep from completely frying. Oh well, may be in the hunt for a replacement for my RTX 3060.
Have you opened up the case and blown out all of the dust and crud?
What size power supply are you running? Just curious.
shutdown /s
Cazzie, the 4000 cards are awesome for MSFS. Literally doubled frame rates.
TomDisabling "fast boot" in settings will get you the same deep shutdown. I keep it disabled on all my systems.